Monday, July 22, 2024


News Flash

Well, we have some exciting news to share with you all. We are temporarily taking a break as our house is sold. 

We will probably be back around October and the start of book three. 

Take care, everyone, until we meet again.

Winkle and Judy

Friday, July 19, 2024


His Lordship is back, and all is well. Lots of banter goes on continuously. They have been in and out often, and goodness only knows why and where. I was told it is none of a Gnome's business to understand what humans do when they go out. The Mistress says we already know too much and need to mind our business more often. Well, this is us told.

Today, things are happening in the garage. She tells me we won't recognize it. The last stack of boxes is at the door for his next trip down south. Maybe she will get the car in the garage!!

 All we need now is a buyer. So, how do we find one in this challenging housing market? Patience is required. 


You guessed it, I was kicked off here again. It is clear that I don't pay the bills, so I can't have a say.

There was action here this morning, as there was an open home, and the humans got the house ready. But today isn't Sunday, I asked. Nope, it's a change of day. I only had a small chat with the agent as some people came and just stayed. A lot of chatter was going on with the family, so now we wait. 

It was a pity the sun wasn't shining, as nothing looked great on a dull day. But never mind—eventually, someone will like it. It only takes one person to say yes, the Mistress announces.

The humans took off and then out again, and I thought they would never return as they had been gone for ages. However, after the agent left, it was an excellent opportunity for us to have hijinks and jump all over the bed. Moonshine jumped over to the window ledge, too. The rest of us followed and looked to see what was happening in the village. There was plenty of room, too, as the giant Gnomes there got packed. Only the odd car went by, and I guess it was too cold for the oldies to head outside. 

Jumping back to the bed was fun, and springing to the pillows was hilarious. They were so soft and great for jumping on and crashing into each other. The cushion was a bit hard to land on, so we did this infrequently, as the pillows were perfect. The golfer hopped over to the duchess and admired himself in the mirror like His Lordship does. The Mistress prefers the wardrobe door mirror to ensure all her bits and pieces are in the right places. 

She had another toss-out yesterday. The floor was covered in maps and junk, so the red bin saw some extra trash. Of course, the maps were retained for future use.

I have been advised that we are going away next week, and I am joining these humans. The Auntie is 90, and they say it is time to celebrate. We are even staying in his Caravan. Cool, I can't wait. Now she just has to remember to take me!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


What a night of Hi-Jinks we got up to. We had to wait so long for this Mistress to turn off the light and go to sleep. When she cannot sleep, she reads and reads some more. It must have been a juicy book to hold her attention. Yeah, then the light went out, and we all jumped down and got into the many oranges that were in a bag on the floor. Jeepers they were huge, and we could only kick or roll them. We are strong for our size, but there is a limit. The goal was to hit the front door, and some of us almost fell over with the strength of our kicks. Too bad about some of the oranges. Some made a splatter, oh messy, too.

With these oranges splattered, we played a game of splattering each other. It was so much fun, but the mess was too much to clean up. How do we clean this up? This is a human job, but then she will know it was us. 

Getting into the bottom drawer was a bonus because we could reach the paper towels and destroy the evidence in the rubbish bin. This was a great idea, but the stickiness remained. What to do now? We had a significant problem on our hands. Heading into the garage to see what we could find made us shiver in our very brittle bones. It was freezing cold out there. 

We found many bottles, and goodness only knows what they were for. The floor mop—hey, we see His Lordship work this thing just before there is an open home. He really likes to help his darling, and he is becoming very domesticated. He enjoys it by the look on his face and pity help her if she messes the floor again. He is far from impressed. 

So how is a mere Gnome meant to work this thing? We watch His Lordship, and he makes it look so easy. It took nine of us to make it do the job. Such a mission, and it took so long, for goodness's sake. We just have to hope she doesn't see anything suspicious.  

This relationship is fantastic, and they continue to be in awe of how they found each other. There was a very mushy conversation on the phone tonight, reminiscing about how they found each other. On the computer, she says. How can humans meet this way? I cannot imagine how this could be possible. The Mistress tells me I should look up in her book "Computers for Dummies." 

I know she has yet to open this book that her daughter recommended. It was put in the too-hard basket. She has a massive phobia of understanding this Technology. So how is a mere Gnome meant to understand this thing?


Tuesday, July 16, 2024


It's a bit quieter here today. I have missed this young chap. He is quite a character. His room was empty of his bedding and good enough for us to explore the stuff The Mistress had sorted for the caravan. It has been a while since I had a sneak peek at everything humans require. Cor blimey, even the wardrobe is full. She assures me that everything will be used. 


Quick as a flash, I was shoved off here yesterday. How rude is this? I tried to persuade her I was busy, but there was no chance. Do you see what I have to put up with living here? It is a tough life being a Gnome. 

Another complaint is that I was still at the window until this morning. They just forgot me. I was put there on Sunday while these humans played croquet on our lawn. They just forgot me. I sat at the window two nights in the freezing cold. There were no mates out there, either. They are all now packed in boxes. I saw a few bugs and birds during daybreak, two dull nights. 

His Lordship left today after helping with the shopping. He loaded a heap of boxes into his vehicle and took them to the family to store. He also dropped some empty plant pots to a lady who wanted them. The Mistress was delighted to see the back of them and less to store. The young lady was delighted with her purchases. It looks bare outside now, and the mistress says there is no color. She spots Camelia's budding and getting ready for spring. She loves spring, but it cannot come quickly enough for her. I think she is getting fed up with winter somehow. The little plants she recently put in look fabulous; the buds are opening and displaying colors. 

There have been mushy phone calls tonight. OMG, to listen to them hurts my ears. How long does this kind of stuff go on for? Surely not forever. Maybe when they eventually permanently live together, that nonsense will stop. Oh, I do hope it is soon. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024


It is just as well that this young grandson had to bring his blow-up bed to sleep on. It made a strange noise while blowing it up. I checked on him throughout the night and ensured it did not deflate. He had a little snore occasionally, and I nearly wiggled his toes to make him quiet. But I really didn't want to give him a fright. He looked so cute sleeping, and I wondered what he dreamt about. 

When I returned from watching Levi, the wheelbarrow fella tipped all the balls out and ran chasing them. The balls were going in all directions. I did say they had to be quiet and not wake the humans up. Levi was wriggling in his bed and panic stations because I didn't want to wake him. 

Morning arrived, and it was time to get cracking and get the house ready for the open home. I had an excellent talk with this agent about getting his butt into gear and selling this house. He politely informed me he was trying very hard and would do his best for us, and then some people arrived. They had a good look around and wanted to think about it. I hope they do not leave this decision too long. 

The humans took off to play croquet. They took the child's size mallet they bought to make things easier for him. I hear His Lordship won the first game, and Levi and his Nana won the second. 

After lunch, Grandad set up the child-size croquet pitch on our lawn, and they all took turns playing with Levi. This young fella is keen to win all these games and has a good shot at getting the goals through the hoop. I watched him from the window as I wasn't in the mood for him to miss his shot and bowl me over. The comfort from the heat pump at the window was a far better option.

Levi's parents arrived to take him home, and the Mistress gave him a big chunk of banana cake from the freezer. He looked mighty pleased about this. 


Today, the Grandson arrived to assist the Mistress with packing my Gnome friends. Corr, blimey, this was quite a significant job, and they had a great production line going on, which I supervised. This small bloke was a dab-hand at putting paper around my friends and passing it to The Mistress, who placed them into banana boxes.

I heard the odd moan from my friends about being so restricted in their box that they couldn't possibly move or escape. I can tell you, they are not amused or impressed at all. I kept losing count of how many boxes they filled, then stacked them in the corner of the garage, ready to go south next week. The final count, checked by Levi, was 18 boxes. The Mistress was delighted that this task didn't take long to complete.

I also saw my friends packing from the bathroom, window ledges, and floor. She says they cannot fit in the caravan and mainly take the small ones. Gosh, I need some to play with. I am assured there will be plenty. Can I believe her, though? She can be pretty mean at times, too.

This young fella is very partial to the Mistress's banana cake iced with chocolate icing. I have lost count of how many pieces he has, but who is counting? His grandad, well, he is quite partial to it, too. You need to see the size of the pieces he cut for himself. The Mistress announces, just as well, that there is more in the freezer.

I also need to report that His Lordship was jovial when he arrived this afternoon. He brought his darling a cup of tea and then plonked himself on her knee. I nearly dropped my book when I saw this strange event happen. The poor Grandson didn't know where to look or what to say. He was speechless. 

There is an awful smell brewing in the oven, and I am not enjoying it. I hear it is a leg of lamb. All I can say is poo. 

This grandson has just been informed that at 4 p.m., he has to come off his device and run outside five times to the letterbox and back and then five around the back. How stupid is this, I say. She says kids forget how to play outside, and she knows his parents try to get him to do other things, too. The run will do him good and use up energy.

I noticed she also got him to bring the cake mixer from the garage cupboard with help from Grandad. He managed independently without assistance but required his help to find it. I hear he will assist his Nana in making a special pudding. So, I will report later.

Chocolate Self Saucing pudding

Looks Yummy

This young chap enjoyed the whole experience of making the pudding for dinner tonight. As for eating this, he said, "It wasn't too bad, but it wasn't too good." Whatever this means!!

Friday, July 12, 2024


Now over

27,000 HITS


Thank you to everyone reading these blogs. These figures are impressive and encourage us to carry on. You must be enjoying a few laughs we try to create in this crazy world at times.

His Lordship went south this morning, leaving his darling to fend for herself. She does it hard when he leaves because he always runs after her. She must be worth it. Gee, I might have to start running!

The Mistress went out tonight with the village people in a shuttle, so they didn't need to worry about drinking and driving. This is such a brilliant idea. She always organizes these outings, and they are popular here. 

While she was out, we knew that it would be for a while, so we got the chaps in the garage to come in and look around. They are so cheeky as they open all the cupboards and drawers. Trixie went around closing them as soon as they opened, and then they opened them again. What ratbags, and she wasn't impressed either. The ping-pong balls were everywhere, and Gnomes running in all directions.

Moonshine was telling jokes, some of which were borderline. Numerous chaps were rolling around the floor with hard belly laughs. The 3 womanlike friends on the shelf were not at all impressed. I suggested they shut their ears or go into another room, which they did. Frightfully outnumbered, they did, and we didn't see them for ages. 

 Goodness, that's the garage door opening. We all returned to our places on the shelf and the others to the garage. A furious panic ensued as they struggled to get back into their boxes. Luckily, the Mistress didn't see that some of them were hiding because they couldn't get in quick enough, causing all sorts of Gnome problems. 

Our very short legs get us into all sorts of strife. Most of which is Gnome business only. Phew, it was a close shave when she came through the door. They will sort themselves out when she is out of sight.

These Love birds have had several phone calls tonight, and again, I had to shut my ears and block my vision. It was a bit much for me. Humans...duhh

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


The human's routine is quite predictable each morning, with the only variation being their choice of toast topping. As for His Lordship, well, let's not even go there. The Mistress, on the other hand, has a penchant for marmalade, banana, or raspberry jam. Observing their body language as they wake up is a delightful spectacle. And I can't help but chuckle at the thought of other people's habits as well. 

I can see that I will have to escape and observe the neighbors' behavior and body language in the mornings. Knowing me, I will probably get caught out, which could land me in heaps of trouble. 

There is always enough going on here in my own backyard, and too much information to gather would make my tasks very difficult. There is always something to report on these humans, and I must pace myself like the Mistress does daily.  

She had been out in the garage again with my mates and came inside growling. Some of the Gnomes she had wrapped had become undone with newspaper, and she wondered why, as they were not left the way she had found them. My lips are sealed. 

Eventually, she gave up and had to sit down for a big rest and a wheat bag for her poor back. She was even brought a cup of tea for her efforts.

A neighbor popped in for a chat and a laugh. She thinks our book is fantastic and enjoyed reading it. She especially liked the part where the red and blue lights roared up behind us, and the lovely policeman asked the Mistress what speed she should be doing? She said she didn't know as she hadn't driven on those roads before. What an answer. He enjoyed the comment and wrote out a ticket. I recall that it cost more than a couple of bottles of wine. Jeepers!

When we arrived home, another ticket was waiting for her. Gosh, she could start a collection, I reckon. But despite these setbacks, the Mistress remains undeterred. She knows we have to travel slower whenever we get the caravan, and she's ready to take on this challenge with determination!

Another thing she is organizing for tomorrow night is a village social. People are phoning or texting a booking and ready for the Club shuttle to pick them up. The shuttle will be full of people, which may surprise the driver. His Lordship is returning to Ashburton tomorrow for some peace, he says. The Mistress says he is a bit cheeky.


Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Overnight, we had a lot of fun and games in the garage. We unwrapped some Gnomes. Core, don't tell the Mistress. She would be ropeable. They were screaming to get out. There are 3 boxes on the floor with heavy concrete gnomes in each Corner; the grandson can fill the spaces. I can see that there will be a production line on Saturday. The Mistress is great at organizing things. One large Gnome is still waiting to jump into a giant box. She suggested a coffin might be big enough. Oh, no, this is not at all amusing. 

I hope this lad knows what he is getting into when packing these friends of mine. I hear he is getting paid for his services and has money to spend over the holidays. Kids like spending money. He is a very sensible young kid, and she knows he will spend it wisely.

His Lordship didn't go to golf today. He went out with The Mistress to an early appointment. He is such a kind and caring man, and he had to ensure he got her up at 6 a.m. She protested that it was the middle of the night. He wasn't amused. They were out the door before 7 a.m. She doesn't function well in the mornings, so it was "easy does it."

"A friend was curious yesterday about whether I am delighted or bewildered by this human custom."

Being a mere Gnome, I am continually bewildered by the happenings around me. I have a passion for figuring out what makes these humans tick. Are they the same as other humans? I am still working on this; it may take a lifetime to completely understand their psychology. 

They still have stars in their eyes for each other, which is so different from everyday day-to-day events. This getting mushy stuff really does bewilder me. Gnomes definitely do not carry on like this. We just shut our eyes or read a book during that process, as we do not like to see this stuff going on. It hurts our eyes!

I have so many books on this human psychology subject, and it is so complicated. I have to stay on each page for a very long time and then look up a dictionary to find the meaning of these complicated words. Being a very determined young fellow, I shall eventually master this.

Another project for me is to really get to know other humans. I guess when we go traveling, we will meet plenty to chat with. Oh, I do wonder if this ever happens. I do know that my humans are now wondering, too.

 These two seem to like the YouTube channel. They watch cats, dogs, and birds interact with each other and humans who play pranks on them. These animals have very bewildered faces when things don't go to plan. The animals even bewilder each other too. The Mistress enjoys a real hard belly laugh and reckons this is great exercise for her stomach muscles. His Lordship gets a giggle too and only an occasional outburst of laughter.  



There has been a hive of activity going on here today. These humans have been very busy bees. A discussion took place to help this poor grandson out this weekend of packing 400 Gnomes. Trying to find boxes that were large enough took a lot of work. They now have a head start for Saturday, and my job today and Saturday is to keep an eye on this packing business. These Gnome friends of mine are all extraordinary fellows and will be in storage for quite some time. They hope to continue with what the humans are doing to the planet. Some of them will be spies and sneak out from time to time. They will be bored out of their tree and need to keep occupied. Their unique and private way of informing the others about what is happening is truly fascinating. Some humans are rapidly polluting the atmosphere, which must be corrected immediately.

The paper these fellows were wrapped in, past my test, is very combustible. I observed what exactly she used and passed my test.

Newspaper is combustible

Supervising is an essential job I have been given, and I take it very seriously. The humans I live with are pretty good most of the time, but occasionally, the recycling bag has something that I grumble about. They usually get the guilt and put the item in the red bin. Argh, I admire them doing this.

The next very important job was taking the hems up on His Lordship's Jeans. First, he had to rig up a suitable light for the Mistress's aging eyes. Then she got into these, while His Lordship quietly suggested that while she was at it, he had two pairs of dress trousers to do as well: a black pair, ready for a coming 90th birthday, and a blue pair for their wedding, which is looming very fast. Her poor eyes have suffered from these highly dark colors. 

His Lordship cooked dinner again while she was a busy lady with all these pins and sewing machine.

This meant a glass of wine was required to assist with this challenging task. She really enjoyed the meal her darling cooked: braised sausages, peas, butternut squash, and potato mash. She reckons she will keep him on. He also processed the washing from the clothesline while she was busy with these other tasks. He knows exactly how she likes things done, and she is most impressed that she has found a keeper.

Monday, July 8, 2024


 Things freeze again when they barely thaw out. The joy of Winter announces the Mistress. Spring will be here before we know it, and things will bloom and not be as cold. These humans had the clothesline full this morning and were hoping to get it dry. I watched the sun and wasn't out there for long. His Lordship assists in both hanging it out and bringing it in for the Mistress. She processes it all, and it sounds like she has the dryer going to finish it. 

Let me share an amusing story about the dryer. The other day, the Mistress informed me that it is 47 years old—the same age as her son. Jeepers, that's quite a number! I don't think her son will be thrilled to know he's being compared to a dryer. But it's a testament to the quality of the machine that it's still going strong after all these years. 

They disappeared this afternoon, and I reckon they delivered some books to her late mother's friends. Her mother will look down on what is happening here and will not be missing anything.

We had a catch-up out in the garage with the fellas that were outside.  They are packing a few of the large Gnomes this morning. Crickey almost took up the whole box. Indeed, they won't need 400 boxes, will they?

I hear she has been getting on to His Lordship about cleaning his vehicle. She doesn't like dirty vehicles up her drive. She also doesn't like the birds digging in her garden. She has also stopped her darling from throwing bread out for the birds. They will have to look elsewhere. Poor birds, I say. My mates who used to live in the garden watched these little monkeys dig away and scatter the dirt everywhere. They don't care what doesn't grow as long as they have full tummies. 

The Mistresses Garden

You can see where the birds have put the dirt on the grass. Looks terrible, she says. She is trying to sell this place, and this is not a good look. 

She has just announced that Suzuki, head office, has emailed to thank her for the books she sent. They have all recalled our visit in 2023. Fancy a Gnome turning up to meet them. What impressed them the most was we were in a brand-new Suzuki Swift sport, and they wanted photos of us in their magazine, Suzuki Now March 2022 edition.
We seized this opportunity, and wow, a full-page pin-up of us. It was an excellent opportunity and laughter. I recall sitting at their small table and talking about our trip. It is not every day a Gnome turns up at such a place. They also admired us for what we achieved in this car with racing stripes. It goes faster with these, you know!

Now, she has just received an invitation from a radio station to discuss our next adventure. What on earth will this woman do next?

Saturday, July 6, 2024


I have tried to get on here many times, but the answer is always NO. It's a tough life being a Gnome living with these humans. These two worked as a team and prepared the house for an open home. 

I really wonder why they bother. Nobody turned up. I chatted with the agent and advised him that the humans and I were getting impatient. He knows this and is looking at what else he can do. 

The humans went to the garden shop and returned with some plants to fill a section of the garden. I can't help but think about those birds that always seem to be causing trouble. They could easily uproot these 40 plants and create a mess. The Mistress would be furious. But really, what's the point? I believe his Lordship might share my sentiments. 

The Mistress is obsessed with color—or the lack of it. She is not at all impressed with such bare areas. The agent called in to pick up the sign he left behind and chatted about the state of the day. I couldn't hear them because they were outside, and the door was shut. I wonder if she did this on purpose or maybe kept the heat inside. 

I can report that her back was very sore after planting. She had to sit down and recover. His Lordship went out and checked on her while she was out there, ensuring she wasn't doing too much. I have noticed that he does this frequently, and she is not accustomed to this type of caring. It must be love!! This is why she agreed to marry him. 

I overheard him talking about playing croquet yesterday with The Mistress. It appears he is moaning about his golf, as he is not doing well at all. He shows her his golf score again, and he admits it is shocking, but she rarely comments. He did well and played with very experienced players.

Friday, July 5, 2024


Oh boy, I have some news for you all. That Mistress has done it again. She took me in the car to see his Lordship yesterday, and now we are home again, and I have not seen him yet. I was left in the car, and she forgot me. No amount of yelling was heard from deep in a bag with lots of padding around me. They were in and out of the car several times, too, and I could not make myself heard. Worse still, she completely forgot me, and it was His Lordship's birthday, too, and I missed it. There was a dinner with cake and candles last night, and the twins blew them out in my absence. I really wanted to attend this event, but she forgot. 

As if this wasn't enough, there was a 4-degree frost this morning and no heat pump in her car. I was rock solid when she eventually loaded the car and left Ashburton after stopping all over the place, still with no thought of me on the floor behind her seat.

Here I am in that blue bag.

She took me to a strange place that made lots of noise, and I could not figure it out. Finally, she told me when she took me inside to the heat pump and thawed out that it was the car wash. I forgot that she said the car was dirty and needed a clean.

Who do I complain to about being strongly neglected and left in the freezing cold car? It's no good telling His Lordship, as he is not here and is due back tomorrow afternoon. The Mistress must be "IN LOVE." I have been told that this is what happens, and because she is now in the high numbers for her age, this will be her excuse. Oh, it is tough being a mere Gnome living with these humans. The thought of complaining may get messy due to her ongoing threats of getting packed in a box and put into storage. There is no heat pump in that garage, either. I could well be permanently frozen.

This is a risk I have to take, but it is a biggie! Hum, I shall think on this for a while.

Tonight, there was a phone call about mushy stuff. She told him about my colossal dilemma. He also said poor Winkle.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Jeepers, it is quiet around here. The Mistress has been out most of the day, so we had the house to ourselves. We explored the garage and talked to our friends, waiting to be packed. They are unhappy about this next process, but I doubt these humans will change their minds. We talked about the good old days outside and all the mischief we got up to. We wondered what the Mistress did today, but it is not a Gnome's business. Moonshine continued his stupid jokes. Some could be more exciting, and he needs to find new books.

Since arriving home, the Mistress has been busy. She had a pavlova to make and a cake to ice. As for tidying up, it is a small kitchen, and everything is on the bench. She announces that she has to get into a mess to get out of a mess. Jeepers, what kind of human psychology is this. Very strange. 

A couple of phone calls, love, and mushy stuff are in the air. For goodness' sake, she will see him tomorrow. I hope she remembers to take me this time. I cannot wait for a ride in the car, but I wish it was the caravan.

No blog tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


It was all go here this morning. It was a shopping day, and then His Lordship left as he had another appointment today. He could assist his darling by carrying the groceries inside before he left. Huh, then she went out again this afternoon with me as well. This means I will see this Vespa scooter at the real estate office. 

       Sitting on the Vespa Scooter at the Mike Pero Avonhead 

Well, here I am on the Vespa. What an incredible machine. The fella wouldn't take me for a ride. He thought I was far too fragile to have a ride on this thing. What would he know, I ask. Doesn't he realize I have ridden on a big three-wheeler Trike up in Picton with the Mistress?     
That guy in the office is the sidekick, who has been here a couple of times when Rod couldn't make it.  He didn't want to be in the photo, but the mistress thankfully took this photo, cutting the scooter off in a couple of shots. I thought she knew how to work that thing. I need to give her some lessons, I guess!
That office is in a prime position. I am good at noticing these things. Just look at all those certificates hanging up. I bet the Mistress didn't see them. This fella must be good to have all these up there. How can a mere Gnome get some of these? The Mistress reckons he may have sat exams in the real estate industry.  What are exams, I ask. She is not in the mood to answer my question and suggests I look this up in my books. 
When she arrived home, she brought in a giant banana box full of bananas that needed to be turned into something. She also gave some to a friend and spent the rest of the day baking in the kitchen. 
The smell, while these were cooking, was much better than that pickle stuff she makes. I never want her to make that stuff again, and I shall file a complaint if she does. 
Reliable sources tell me she won't make it anymore because we will be in the caravan next summer. That is only if that fella sells our house. I chatted with him last week, as nobody turned up to see our home, and he needs to work harder. The Mistress says to leave the poor fella alone, as he is doing his best. If no people are looking for a lovely house, we must like it or lump it. Gee, it's a tough life being a Gnome and living with these humans. 
His Lordship didn't return. It appears he is staying down there until Saturday. They had a mushy conversation tonight. They are missing each other already. 
I can't wait until Thursday when she takes me to see him. I miss him too when he is not here. 

Monday, July 1, 2024


 The joys of being a mere Gnome. Sometimes, life is just not at all fair in this house. Today, I was taken out of the car and supposed to see this Vesper motorbike. Guess what? I am still in the car. Looks like they forgot and went home, leaving me in the cold car, and I can hear the rain pelting down. It's lonely out here, and I wish they could listen to me.

So, what am I supposed to do out here? I cannot see what they are both up to, and I could miss something important. Being in the Prime position on the shelf, I see everything, but I am wrapped up in plastic bubble wrap and a bag and do not have any way of getting out of here.  

Argh, the guilt the Mistress feels and comes to rescue me. Phew, I am so glad to see her. She did apologize, which was decent of her. I told her I was far from a happy Chappie, but now all is forgiven. I am now blessed to have her in my life. Amazing just how life can turn around in an instant. 

She announced that if I was lucky, I could get a ride to Ashburton on Thursday and return on Friday. We will stay in His Lordship's caravan. I hope he has a heat pump, as I am not accustomed to being cold. I hear it is his birthday. Humm, I wonder how old he will be. He also has a twin brother, and it is his birthday, too. Fancy that. I guess he will be the same age! Maybe they will catch up to the Mistress. She has a big birthday this year and may celebrate at their wedding. 

 There seems to also be an essential appointment he must attend and another on Friday, which the Mistress needs to attend with him.  How can I make sure she does not forget to take me? I shall work on this. Maybe I could get on the floor and trip her up. Oh, hang on she could well have another fall. Like last week, oops maybe I am not meant to say here. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024


The Mistress appeared a little sleepy this morning and did not move quickly.  She does it slowly, I maintain. She heats the wheat bag while cooking breakfast. Generally, this brings relief the minute she sits down. The morning soon got away from her. It was croquet again today, and she needed to do some jobs, but to me, the body wasn't willing. Eventually, motivation was found, and all was well, with her jobs done, lunch, and then out the door. 

Last night was enjoyable for us, as the policeman ensured that others were allowed through. As there were so many of them, they had to take turns. Sure enough, when all was quiet, about six came. We played on an exercise thing that these humans have stopped using. They have it for sale, as it is far too heavy for the caravan. Crickey, it was so hard to move. We needed seven gnomes on each pedal to make it move. 


She has been at it again and did not let me finish this blog yesterday. It's no good complaining around here. She is the boss, and I must just like it or lump it. 

His Lordship appeared in the afternoon after he watched her play croquet. She had a surprise in store: His mallet was in her car. She had bought one from another player who had a spare. Nope, not today, he said. 

There was another open house today, and all hands were on deck to get the house ready. They loved the fact that the sun was shining, and indeed, this would bring people out. His Lordship raised a concern that if he was going to play this game, then he would like to practice first. Thankfully, having a key to the place helps. 

I hear the Mistress was very impressed with his skills. Playing golf and pool helps because they also use strategies. They announced that she won the first game, but he won the second. Something tells me he will be a pro at this sport before you know it. But I am not sure she would be happy about this though. He is still going on about how the weight of his scooter on the back of the caravan would make things too heavy. She wonders if he could borrow or hire a scooter wherever they travel.

Friday, June 28, 2024


 I am so glad that the humans brought my friends inside. This has made life so much easier for us to do our Gnome stuff, some of which I will not divulge here. This must remain Gnome business only. When all was quiet, we gathered in the lounge with the ping pong balls and some mandarins. Oh, what fun we had. They were all flying everywhere, and lots of laughter was had. 

Trixie had pulled the bedroom door so we did not disturb the Mistress. Heaven helps us if we get caught. Life here could be limited, and this could drastically change. The thrill of the risk added an extra layer of excitement to our secret gathering. Before long, we knew they could use the bathroom, so packing up was essential and quickly. Gosh, it was so much fun. The policeman limited the number of gnomes who came through the door, and they all needed a lesson on how to behave inside, as the rules are quite different from those of living outside. To have an upset Mistress on the wall path is just indefensible. Being on the receiving end of her being quite angry with us is not an option. I need to attend this wedding in October; she could make this difficult for me. 

They went back to the garage, and the rest of us went back to our places on the shelves. Moonshine told us some jokes and stories to pass the night away. 

His Lordship made sure he tended to his darling before heading south. Today is a unique golf day, and it is a public holiday. The Mistress went about her chores and then went out the door. Due to this public holiday, she had a vital croquet fun day. Eventually, she appeared through the door. All was very quiet with us, and just as well. I am not about to let her know what we got up to in her absence. Her activities could significantly impact us, and the tension is palpable.

I did hear her on the phone making more wedding plans tonight. I didn't realize just how much is involved with these things. This will be the first wedding I have attended, and the anticipation is like a fluttering butterfly in my stomach. I can't wait. I believe some people will be getting into alcohol, so this could be an exciting experience for me. The last time I did this, I was far from popular. The Mistress hid all the alcohol and put it under lock and key.

It is so quiet here tonight. Just the Mistress and I are watching TV, and I see that she is enjoying a glass of wine. Bliss, she reckons. Jeepers, don't tell His Lordship this, for goodness sake. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 News Flash

Children's book

now available on 


The courier has been again. She is like Santa Claus because she delivered another box of books today. The Mistress is mighty happy about this. Overnight friends from overseas bought adult books, which also pleased the Mistress. She hopes they will, like others, leave a review and tell us what they think of the book.

Today, she Googled her name and was surprised by what she found. It's fascinating, she says. She wonders who put this stuff there. Just as well, it is true, she says. The stuff that used to be on there has disappeared. It may be old news now. 

The Mistress is a Gnome Queen.

A Gnome Queen, fancy that. It is up here in print. Now I have heard of everything. 

I have heard that I can sit on the agent's motorbike on Monday and can't wait. He also wants a copy of our book. Crickey, there is a vast boxful here. A neighbor came and bought one, too.

These humans had a cheek this morning and put the Gnomes in boxes. They are in the garage waiting for the Grandson to wrap and pack appropriately. The Mistress worries that it could be a miserable day when he is here and does not want him to get wet or cold. 

When they went out, some of us went to investigate and jeepers; we will have a ball tonight while they sleep. Now we have to learn to use that heat pump as it is jolly cold out there during the night. The only problem is climbing up to the roof. We can hatch a plan somehow. If not, they can run in here to play. I also looked around the garden, and it was all bare. Only the lawn mower man is there. The place needs more color, she says. All we can see is lots of little stones. Oh well, too bad she announces.

His Lordship cooked dinner tonight. The Mistress was a bit off-color color, so he took over. She thinks she will keep him on. Chicken schnitzel, cauliflower, pumpkin, and spud with gravy. Yummy, I heard her say, and he, too, says he is a great cook. I would call this skiting. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


News Flash 

My First Book

Over 26,000 people have hit the blog!! World wide.

Wow, that's amazing. The Mistress is delighted that we have entertained everyone who reads the blog. A vast and hefty box arrived today, and we will autograph copies she sells from home. She even reckons they will make great Christmas gifts. Hey, it's only 6 months until Christmas.
Book 2 is being edited, and book 3 will start whenever we sell this place. We are waiting for the children's book to arrive in early July.
His Lordship didn't go south today. It is very wet underfoot, and it is not good to play golf. Just as well for the Mistress, as there was a village lunch today, and they would both attend. 
While they were out, we all decided to jump up and down on their bed as the sheets were off and in the wash. It's much better for jumping when the covers are not on. We got such a high bounce that we almost went out the window. This would not be funny if we ended up through the glass. That Mistress would get rather grumpy, and this would not be good. I doubt His Lordship would be happy, either. I haven't heard him growl before. I suspect he knows how!!! He is a quiet, gentle fella and very placid, she reckons. I do know he tells her to stop worrying. He goes with the flow in life and says it is the easiest way to be. I think he could teach her a thing or something. 
Luckily, we were just back in our places before they came home. Now I have heard that some gnomes will disappear soon. Whatever is going on, I ask, and I am told nothing. I shall tune in and see what I can find out. They can be quite secretive at times these humans, and I do not think it is at all fair. 
I heard about a motorbike our agent had in front of his office. Now I would like to ride this thing. I'd like to know if I can bend his arm and get this ride. I like motorbikes, as I have been on a three-wheeled trike up in Picton with a friend and the Mistress. It was so much fun with the wind blowing my hair. These ladies loved the ride and would like to do this again. 
I hear the agent uses this bike in the summer when he has open homes. A great gimmick. Oh, I do want a ride, pleeezzze.

Monday, June 24, 2024


Well, not much is happening around her these days. It is high time we were on the road and had our permanent holiday. What are these humans doing about this terrible dilemma, I wonder? That agent has people interested, and then they change their minds. I can tell you that Gnomes are like the Mistress and decide very quickly. This has annoyed her no end. 

It appears it is not meant to be, as the stars are not aligned. How on earth did she come up with this line, I wonder. Wisdom, she announces.

His Lordship appeared yesterday, and it is about time, too. The Mistress had missed him dearly, and by the heartfelt greeting she got, it was clear that he missed her just as much. Oh, Mushy mushy, their bond is truly special. 

He has had a few jobs to do around here, as the place is falling apart. He completed the rest of the list today, and now, she is happy. Then he goes away again tomorrow. Oh well, I guess they will be permanently together in our new caravan one day. 

Now, this winter weather is doing little for her morale. She reckons it is depressing, as so little sunshine does not make her happy. I am sorry to say, Mistress, but there are still a couple more months of winter. Spring may be the moving time around here. The Mistress likes the spring. She adores the flowers blooming after a long winter. I see there is a very pretty freesia blooming at the front door. A white, which looks so pure and angelic, she has thought about bringing it into the house, but it is the only one and will not last for long with the heat pump going. I am glad she left it out because my mates are looking after it. They are also watching the buds not far from blooming either.

A freesia
The Mistress loves freesias and will miss seeing them when she leaves this place. My mates also like the perfume they create. They get on a high when this blooms. They zoom around the lawn like crazy. I have also known them to throw dirt at the window when they know the humans have gone out. They try to get my attention. We head out to watch them play silly buggers. I shall refrain from smelling these, as someone has to have their wits about them. The Policeman out there holds the gate shut so they do not escape. Thank goodness they are too far gone, in the head, to remember where the escape route is. 
I would instead get into His Lordship's plonk. But this is always under lock and key, and we have given up looking for the key now. He has well and indeed planted it somewhere away from our eyes. He is a smart cookie, this fella. The Mistress always says he did not come down in the last rain storm.

Saturday, June 22, 2024


The Mistress left the house this morning after leaving it ready for the agent. She had been gone several hours, and there was no indication as to when she would be back. I say what a day to go out, as it has hardly stopped raining all day. My mates outside will get their annual clean, as they cannot duck for cover like me. I run away as soon as the Mistress takes me to the bathroom. I have a dislike for water; in fact, I am allergic to it! That is my story, anyway!

My mind was elsewhere when that agent turned the key in the door. He startled me as time had slipped away. We had a brief conversation before potential buyers arrived. One of them comments, oh, it's too small. Now, what on earth do they expect? Downsizing means just that. The other seems intrigued but needs time to ponder. No time for pondering; we need to hit the road. I am weary of waiting, and humans these days take an eternity to decide. Perhaps it's a generational thing! 
One thing that's become clear to me is the mistress's decisive nature. She doesn't waste time on indecision. Once she's made up her mind, that's it; she's off and running. It's the other humans who complicate matters, procrastinating and driving the Mistress to the brink of insanity. The signs are all there, but these people seem blind to the obvious, unable to see the forest for the trees. 

Gnomes make instant decisions. Whatever the issue, it is straight before us; we just get on with it. This is why The Mistress just clicks with Gnomes. No beating around the bush. I am still determining about His Lordship. He doesn't count his chickens before they are hatched. He has to steady his darling sometimes. He is a very patient and has taught his darling to slow down and stop jumping ahead. At least she gets the job done! I could get into trouble here, but thank goodness he isn't here to see or hear.

The Mistress made a dreadful noise, getting out this strange thing that I do not see much of. She had to explain that it was an ironing board. I haven't seen this thing for years. She plugged in this strange-looking thing that she pushed over a denim jacket. She reckons it irons out the creases. I have to believe her; this is something else I have learned today. She reminded me that when she worked, the ironing board was out often. So why does she not need to use the iron in retirement? No uniform, she says. 

Does she think that this vast ironing board is going in the caravan? I thought we were not taking so much stuff in the caravan because there was no room, and His Lordship was worried about the weight. I bet he blows a gasket when he realizes how much she has packed. The Mistress announces that, no it's not coming with us. Phew, thank goodness for that. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

with these conversa w


The bossy human that lives here has kept me from reporting the daily events that go on here. A lot is happening here, and I don't appear to be in the loop with these conversations. Living here, I would have thought that whatever was going on was family matters and that I was part of this family, or so I thought. Oh well, like all things sometimes, it is really tough being a mere Gnome. Like it or lump it, she says. all I say.

Yesterday, a lady appeared with the agent when the humans went out. I have seen her before. She quite likes this place, and I wish she would hurry up and buy it because we are on a mission to get on the road with this caravan. This process takes so long, and I am fed up with these delays, but it appears to be the human world where time is an important factor. Gnomes have a totally different way of dealing with things. We just jump to it and get on to the next project. 

Procrastination is a wasted opportunity. Life would be so much simpler if we didn't have these situations. This is where humans are just weird. Seize the moment, I say.

Moonshine has been at it again with his silly jokes. I wish he would find another book, as he can come up with good ones that crack us all up. We enjoy a good belly laugh and can't wait until he finds more books. These humans here always joke with each other and laugh a lot. His Lordship often fishes, and the Mistress bites hard, then he sits there and laughs at her expense. This tactic I must use myself. He calls it going fishing and gets her hook, line, and sinker!

We tried to go out and play in the garage last night, but opening the door and stepping in there, feeling the cold, made us come straight back in. Going outside was also off the agenda. I dislike the winter, and I am spoiled with the heat pump. 

I am fortunate; I enjoy these luxuries that my friends outside don't. They do not know anything different. The Mistress often says to count my blessings. She is a wise woman at times, but not when she is bossy.

His Lordship left this morning to play golf and won't return until Monday. He seems to have a very important appointment he has to attend. The Mistress enjoys some peace and quiet around here, but I know they will miss each other. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Everything here got off to an early start. His Lordship was out of here by 6:30 a.m. Wednesday was golf day, and he had an important job to do very early first. The Mistress rose as he went out the gate. She, too, had an essential job to do. Make a wedding cake. I supervised, as she went about her task. Blimey, you should have seen this vast bowl; she mixed everything together. She could have had a bath in it.


All cooked

It was a step back  to watch each part of the process. Now, I must report that she used her hand in the last part of the mixing. I hope she washed it first! That mixture was all over her hand and partway up her arm. I thought she was supposed to leave the mixture in the bowl. It was a messy affair if you ask me. Then, putting a handful of mixture into the prepared tin was time. It appears there was no spoon big enough. Then another and another. Into the oven, it went for cooking. She told me that in the old days, before cake mixers, people used their hands for everything in the kitchen. She informed me that her cake mixer could not handle such a big cake. So, after going into the oven, she went out to meet a friend for a cupper. Yeah, High Jinx time. The dish had more Mandarins and apples, so we tossed them around while the cake was cooking. Eventually, we could smell it. It was not for me, I am afraid. Not as unpleasant as the pickle she makes but certainly not pleasant for a mere Gnome. 

The Mistress calls this education learning a lot. Indeed, this is what children do at school, and this house is not full of children, thank goodness, but Gnomes. We can learn only a certain amount before we select what we want to toss out—a bit like selective hearing that His Lordship does. Oh, dear, I may have to start running!

Another task the Mistress completed today was the invitations to the wedding. Jeepers, it is ages away and so organized. She announces that if she sells the house, she will have enough to do with moving out and to the caravan. These were two fewer jobs to be done down the track. Thinking about this now is an excellent idea. She has a few clues upstairs. His Lordship would say she didn't come down in the last rainfall. It may be wisdom from the older generation. 

22/7/24 News Flash Well, we have some exciting news to share with you all. We are temporarily taking a break as our house is sold.  We will ...