Friday, June 21, 2024

with these conversa w


The bossy human that lives here has kept me from reporting the daily events that go on here. A lot is happening here, and I don't appear to be in the loop with these conversations. Living here, I would have thought that whatever was going on was family matters and that I was part of this family, or so I thought. Oh well, like all things sometimes, it is really tough being a mere Gnome. Like it or lump it, she says. all I say.

Yesterday, a lady appeared with the agent when the humans went out. I have seen her before. She quite likes this place, and I wish she would hurry up and buy it because we are on a mission to get on the road with this caravan. This process takes so long, and I am fed up with these delays, but it appears to be the human world where time is an important factor. Gnomes have a totally different way of dealing with things. We just jump to it and get on to the next project. 

Procrastination is a wasted opportunity. Life would be so much simpler if we didn't have these situations. This is where humans are just weird. Seize the moment, I say.

Moonshine has been at it again with his silly jokes. I wish he would find another book, as he can come up with good ones that crack us all up. We enjoy a good belly laugh and can't wait until he finds more books. These humans here always joke with each other and laugh a lot. His Lordship often fishes, and the Mistress bites hard, then he sits there and laughs at her expense. This tactic I must use myself. He calls it going fishing and gets her hook, line, and sinker!

We tried to go out and play in the garage last night, but opening the door and stepping in there, feeling the cold, made us come straight back in. Going outside was also off the agenda. I dislike the winter, and I am spoiled with the heat pump. 

I am fortunate; I enjoy these luxuries that my friends outside don't. They do not know anything different. The Mistress often says to count my blessings. She is a wise woman at times, but not when she is bossy.

His Lordship left this morning to play golf and won't return until Monday. He seems to have a very important appointment he has to attend. The Mistress enjoys some peace and quiet around here, but I know they will miss each other. 

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