Sunday, April 7, 2024


The humans went out last night, so we had extra time for Gnome activities. Moonshine went to find the key to the plonk cupboard. He searched for ages, but the Mistress had been packing, so what did he expect. No key was found so his mood wasn't flash. Anybody would think he had withdrawal symptoms. 

The rest of us, however, ran around like lunatics. Hoening here and there and having a blast. Recovery took us a while, as we were not at all fit. 

The humans had another open home today, which meant getting the house in order. People were also coming to buy stuff, which kept her on her toes. 

To add to the chaos the humans forgot to put the clocks back last night, so needed to not sit around today, despite the extra hour. There is also a drop in temperature these days and very chilly nights. My concern is these mates outside in the pool in this freezing weather. The Mistress says that they make their choices. That is so mean. 


The other worry is the fella who sits on top of the human's toilet. He is still naked. Maybe he just wants to flash things about. Now there is no female Gnomes who would enter this room. They do not tolerate such a carry-on. On our travels, I hope the Mistress doesn't buy more Gnomes. His Lordship is very concerned about our weight. Imagine if we were one Gnome too heavy. They may have to choose. OMG, this is a real worry. I can see Moonshine getting into trouble very quickly. Hmm. As long as it is not me that is all that matters.

His Lordship has been hanging out for the Mistress to make Date scones. Today she cleaned out the baking drawer and found some dates and small packets of assorted fruits that needed using up, so they all went in the bowel. He got his scones, and she wasn't impressed when he put jam on them. Weird she reckons. It appears they enjoyed them with a cup of tea, and with Margarine on them.  

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