The Mistress has been a bit off-color for a few days but despite some pain battles on. Yesterday's human shopping day means all these bags were waltzed to the kitchen bench. It is fascinating watching from my shelf how they put all this stuff away. Both of them seem to know exactly what they are doing, and especially His Lordship. He is so switched on to the Mistress's wavelength and just seems to know where things belong. This pleases The Mistress no end.
It amazes me just how much humans consume. A Gnome lives on fresh air and fun. I believe they pay money to buy these grocery items. What is money I ask. Nope, she is not in the mood to explain. Hmm, it appears it is up to me to figure this out.
Visitors arrived for dinner, His Lordship's family. They have a young fella who asks lots of questions, and I feel we have a lot in common because I ask questions too. I usually get told to look in my books for answers. The young fella has all this digital stuff he can explore for his answers, plus his parents, or whoever is around. He wanted to know why I had a chocolate fish. He felt this was very strange and probably stupid, but even more surprised when the Mistress told him that Father Christmas filled my stocking with chocolate fish and some Gnome friends. Now today children do not hang up a sock like the Mistress did when she was a younger version of herself.
Times have changed apparently, and they now hang all sorts of things like bags, etc. He just couldn't get his head around this sock business. He felt it would be stinky from humans' smelly feet, and the fact that it was a clean sock didn't seem right to him. How have times changed?
They all enjoyed having dinner together and it appears this young fella is a fussy eater like the Mistress's Granddaughter. But he seemed to find things he liked especially the pudding. Playing with his jelly seemed to interest him. The Mistress was fascinated with how he played with it.
Bedtime for these humans came along and the Mistress didn't appear comfortable. The light was on and off and it woke his Lordship up. He could see she was far from happy and in a lot of pain. Can't be her Achilles issue as she was holding herself in the upper body. Gosh, humans are so complicated. They need to join the Gnome world. The next thing she does is on the cell phone, then these young humans arrive in uniforms. What is going on here? They had lots of equipment with them. His Lordship was looking a little worried, but she needed to go to the hospital they announced. What on earth is a hospital? Oh, heck this is too much for a Gnome. I need to focus on my chair rock away and settle my mind for a while.
His Lordship disappeared this morning and brought her home. I am pleased to report all is ok and just needed some sleep after her breakfast. By the sound of what I heard and could understand they are not at all impressed with this hospital situation. In other words, if it happens again come back. What kind of system is this they ask. She reassured me that she will survive. Well, this is a blessing I feel.
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