Tuesday, January 30, 2024


 The Mistress has just said it is February already. Each day is the same for Gnomes. The only thing that changes is the seasons. My aversion to winter is especially the pits. Those fellas and the female version who get around with very little clothing all year round, I just do not understand. I guess I never will either, but it is something to ponder when I don't have anything else to think about. Now this is not often either, because around here there is always something going on for me to get interested in. For some things of course I just shut my eyes, as it is the only way for me to cope. 

These humans have some very strange ideas and habits, and it is just far too much at times. Some things I hear are just not suitable to share. I could get into some serious trouble here if I divulged any information, so best for me to stop right now.

The Mistress seems to be getting chirpier these days, and this pleases His Lordship immensely. She can be full of cheek too, but he fires back with a cracker at times. He has come out of his shell she reckons, as he can be known to not comment when she would like to hear something useful coming back to the conversation. She says it is like pulling hen's teeth. Hey, but they do not have teeth!!

Now his Grandson could teach him too, how to communicate and be part of the conversation. He has many topics of interest, and I am sure could teach him a thing or two. Maybe he needs to have a sleepover at times so he can teach Grandad a lot more. He didn't appear that keen when Mistress suggested this. Maybe he is a little shy still, like his Grandad. It must run in the family!!

The Mistress was really overjoyed, chuffed, and honored to be asked by this lad if he could call her Nana. She was so excited and shared this news with His Lordship, the next time he went out to the garage to check on what they were up to. He was extremely happy to hear this news. I noticed he had a spring in his step after hearing this. I was sitting high up on a can of paint and was watching his body language. Something that I have learned over my many years living with the Mistress and now His Lordship. 

These humans went outside this afternoon around the back, and I spotted His Lordship up on the small step ladder with the loppers. Jeepers he powered through some branches that were about to hang on the fence and heading towards the guttering. Any high winds or storms could have meant disaster by smashing everything in its path. The Mistress plonked on a chair and cut the easy twigs into short lengths that she could manage with her delicate hands and that nail polish. She even wore gloves I noticed. I reckon she needs to toughen up. 

They were filling the green waste bin ready for tomorrow's collection. There is a whole heap more she said but this will go out each week until it's all cleaned up. I hear His Lordship found some muscles he didn't know he had on the small ladder. He reckoned his knee was up to it as he exercises it every day and several times a day too. So tonight, he's resting up to recover. 

The Mistress has done more tasks than her usual of late, so another sign of wellness. She rests often too as she conks out too. His Lordship has a keen eye on her and was even happier today when the St John alarm people came to install an alarm for her especially when she is on her own. This means he can go back home happier knowing she just needs to push a button. 

They never warned me that they would test the alarm, OMG what a noise. Trixie and I nearly fell off the shelf. Let's hope this doesn't happen too often. My nerves just would not cope at all. 

Monday, January 29, 2024


The Mistress spotted some Gnomes in the garden of His Lordship's family on Christmas Day in a terrible state. She was shocked that they didn't look loved and moss all over them. The man of the house would water blast them ready for painting.

The Grandson would be coming over during the holidays and would paint them with the Mistress. Yesterday was the day and he chose the first to work on and then the colors he would use. He was quite the artist and had a good choice of colors.

Now I watched over these two while the lad went about painting. He was always asking questions. They never stopped all day, and this is how kids learn the Mistress announces. He looked very comfortable at the table and surprised as to how fast the paint dried. Another warm and sunny day the Mistress says. 

Stopping for lunch and a break, then a card game was a new one to learn for the Mistress. She had just clicked on the game when he announced he had won. She sent him to the freezer to find them some ice blocks as the day had got hotter and they needed to cool down before going painting again.

He is an interesting character to watch, as I haven't had many opportunities to learn about the smaller human species. The Mistress has a Granddaughter and being a female she ticks differently to this fella.

 The Mistress didn't do much painting herself as she wasn't up to it. I think she enjoyed seeing how this young fella ticked, after all, it is a long time since her son was this size. 

The Mistress has instructions to tidy up his painting and he will choose the next one to do next visit. 

Saturday, January 27, 2024


 It's been quite a business looking after the Mistress. A full-time job for me I say. She has had his Lordship and I worried at times, but they say time heals. 

She looks a bit brighter today and about time. She doesn't move far from her chair at times but today she assisted His Lordship in the kitchen to make a meat loaf. He made a great apprentice she reckons. He did exactly as she asked, and his mixing skills were perfect. Into the crockpot and it cooked all day. The smells wafting past here almost threw me off my perch. What a stink. Glad I am not eating it, is all I can say. 

The summer heat is a bit much for these humans. They dislike it immensely and would prefer at least five degrees cooler. As for me, I don't mind the heat at all. I am just so glad that I live inside in the winter. So better for me not to say too much here in case it gives these humans ideas. 

It amazes me the stuff that comes out of these humans and their visitors at times. Probably best that I remain tight-lipped here because I could get into a whole lot of trouble. 

His Lordship is cutting up this meatloaf I see and doing a productivity test. He licks his lips and so all must be ok. The Mistress enjoys her dinner and approves of his mixing skills. He always presents the meals to her that she really approves. Tonight, new potatoes marinated vegetable salad and the now famous meat loaf. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2024


Now I have not been able to get on here, because I am a bit worried about the old Mistress. It appears being home doesn't mean for good. She could be whisked off again at any time.  Well, but not if I can help it. She doesn't move fast or far these days. His Lordship keeps her topped up with food and fluids and always insists on her resting. He is pretty quick if she steps out of line too. An interesting scenario to watch. 

As soon as she picks up a bit I shall be up and running again. See you soon 

Monday, January 22, 2024


I need to report that this Mistress has done another disappearing act, yet again. These 2 fellas rolled up and took her away again in that big thing they called an ambulance. Now I watched her in her chair not looking happy at all. In fact, she was growling about being in pain. I am not accustomed to her being in such a state. His Lordship had gone home earlier to play golf, after all, it was Saturday. It had been so long since he played because he had knee surgery, in early December and the Mistress was looking after him while she was in a moon boot with her Achilles. Now she ends up in the hospital four times in 3 weeks. We are not accustomed to burly to these burly hunks appearing in our homes. She rang a friend to sit with her as these fellas took ages to get here.  Gosh, they had equipment galore and wires all over her and in places I would rather not see. They lifted this up and that up and my eyes could no longer take it. Her friend was very concerned too and even happier when his Lordship came in the door. He got into the ambulance too but only to settle her. It was a very hot day and air conditioning was on for everyone's comfort. He came inside the house not at all happy, because they stuck another shunt into her arm, one of the many lately, sounds like it hurt a lot as her arms had seen a few needles lately and she let them know she was far from amused. He had a few worries on his mind because like the Mistress she was too worried as to what was going on. Living here has taught me a lot about body language. Every day, I asked him to take me with him to visit her, but the answer was always NO. That was me told. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024


Jeepers we nearly got caught overnight going outside to dispose of that book into the recycling bin. These 2 humans didn't sleep that much and luckily, they never noticed me scooting past the hallway. We couldn't find the yellow bin. I know it was dark, but my eyesight doesn't miss a thing. The red bin was out there, and I was very puzzled until my thoughts turned to His Lordship going past the window earlier and making a terrible racket with 2 bins going out the gate. It was bin day today and so we had to get past that policeman at the gate. He wasn't having a bar of me going past him. 

Explaining how important it was to recycle, the Policeman soon understood my reason for going out the gate. Now I didn't want any other Gnomes looking at this book as it was not at all fit for their eyes. He let me pass and even assisted me in getting up to the bin, which was very thoughtful as I had nothing to climb on. What a struggle but as he is taller than me this was a big help. Phew, it is safely in the bin and the job is done.

We both admired the common area as they had done some planting to beautify the area. It is coming along nicely, and I reckon some Gnomes out there, will help with some color. But a fat chance that will be as some of these people have a dislike to us, so we won't rock the boat. Visiting the area overnight will be enough I reckon. What they don't know won't hurt them.

Some of these fellas reckon I am the favorite with that policeman, but they can get lost as I was helping the planet as all Gnomes should be doing. So, we will be having words one day on this business. 

The Mistress has had the odd walk outside checking on things and making sure everyone is behaving, in her Gnome family. I noticed there is another fella in the pool that she painted lately. Crickey, he takes up a lot of room in his Lifebuoy. I reckon we need a bigger pool. But I doubt the Mistress will agree to this as a shortage of space outside is an issue.

Those BBQ fellas are making a dreadful mess out there and I hear the Mistress growling recently that to live here they have to keep the area tidy. Those fish they catch leave a stinky mess and she is far from impressed. They should know by now not to get on the wrong side of her. 

The lady in a uniform arrived again today to check on the Mistress. She did all sorts of things and oh goodness me she stuck a needle into her arm, and I watched her blood go into a bottle.  Hey, I hope she leaves some in there. I asked the Mistress later why she did this and she went into a long explanation of why they did this and what the Laboratory will do. Oh, so complicated for a Gnome. She wasn't in the mood for a long explanation and the rest I was to look up in my books.   It is a tough life being a Gnome around here.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

 Catch up

His Lordship and I are keeping an eye on the Mistress. She is plodding along very carefully tires easily and has to rest often. A lady in her work uniform arrived this morning to check her out. She did all sorts of things and asked lots of questions. I believe she will come in for a few days, as this is instead of staying in the hospital. Now I like this idea because His Lordship and I are really concerned. I have noticed he tries to cover his concerns.

You see I am learning about these things the Mistress has taught me. Being very observant at my place on the shelf, means I don't miss a thing. Trixie too is getting switched on and learning a lot from these complicated human species. 

Just as well we don't have anything inside us to go wrong. I guess we would trot off to the rubbish bin and be recycled. Crickey what would they turn us into I wonder. As far as I am concerned Gnomes last for hundreds of years and outlive humans. Nobody is going to do anything with me, and I will make sure of this. In fact, I have hatched a plan, but I am not about to disclose this here as this is Gnome's business only. 


So today humans slept well and no people in uniform appeared. So this must mean all is well. I jolly hope so as I just can't bare the Mistress disappearing again. I really did miss her and more than I thought. His Lordship sure did. At times I saw him quite lost and didn't know what to do with himself. He perked up when the phone rang or a text pinged. He was always eager to visit her and he wouldn't let me go too on her last admission. I never understood why so I just had to "suck it up," he says. Humans can be so mean you know. 

Usually, every day she would go outside and check on her Gnome family and they are wondering where she is. So, they too are missing her wandering past and having a chat or telling them off. They do not understand humans like Trixie and me, so there is a lot to teach them and more for us to learn.

I have had some time to study my medical books on babies and how they could possibly get into a woman's body that I saw on the Mistress's second visit. What an unbelievable event. This has disturbed my mind constantly ever since. Humans would say they have nightmares about some event. As for me, I am an utter wreck. I just cannot function. I will not read any more on this topic ever again. I recall that when a Gnome baby appears they just go poof, and they appear. None of this other nonsense.  This is just way too much, and I shall choose very carefully in the future what I want to know and learn. The only problem though is I have to actually read it to find out, then regret it. Trixie has a good idea and recommends tossing this book in the recycle bin for some other twit to read and I think this is a very good idea. So tonight, I shall go out and toss it. I would not like it to get into the wrong hands especially the other chaps outside. 

Sunday, January 14, 2024


The Mistress is home again today.

She did a disappearing act again with those Ambulance fellas. Things just were not good in the breathing department and needed it sorted. Give her a couple of days to settle in with all the TLC from His Lordship. She is not allowed to do too much for a while. He is taking great care of her and is pleased to have her home again tonight.

Thursday, January 11, 2024


His Lordship and I have kept an eye on the Mistress today. She hasn't been looking at all well all day, but now some sleep last night could have helped. She had the electric bed up, then down, and I am sure it became as confused as did His Lordship. She completed her bed exercises by tossing and turning so many times we were giddy just watching from a distance. Now this meant that he too was deprived of sleep and at about 4am she waltzed out to her chair. This of course meant panic because we were not in our places on the shelf. Shiver me timbers, did she see us.

Waiting for her to settle took time as she wriggled around. When we thought the coast was clear we very carefully made our way and of course very quietly too. Being still dark went in our favor. 

His Lordship waited on her all day and assisted as much as possible. She is impressed with him doing his exercises and getting good results, as is his physio. She even discharged him today. I kept an eye on her while he went out. It's tough seeing her suffer like this and something I have not seen before as she is always mostly well.

I need to report on my findings while I was visiting the hospital. Navigating my way with all the jolly doors and reading signs was a nightmare. Some of them were in a foreign language. How the heck is a gnome meant to know this stuff. My mission was to see a baby being born. This ward was next door to Urology. I don't understand what that word means, but I did hear the Mistress say that it was the only bed available at the time. 

I did see some women with huge tummies that I had never seen before. So, I wondered how on earth a baby got in there in the first place. They didn't seem very comfortable either. So here I am peeking around corners, and nurses tending to these people. Come on hurray up I am here to see them come out. I shall have to find out how they got in there in the first place is my mission for returning home. Seeing the fellas wiping brows for goodness's sake. You don't see Gnomes doing anything near what I saw. Nobody sees Gnomes have babies, they are magic, and poof they appear. Oh, I wish they would hurry up and get on with it. Hearing the screams threw me off my perch, what's the screaming going to do here. This screaming will wake the dead let alone the sleeping people.

Why is this taking so long I wonder, but I am here to learn, so I am here around the corner curtain eagerly waiting. This screaming is a real carry-on. Is it really necessary to carry on like this? The talk between the mother and father is getting rather heated. She said it was his fault that the baby was in there and look at what she had to go through. She announces she is never going through this again, and that he could have the next one. What is she talking about here? I have so many questions for the Mistress and His Lordship. Hang on the nurse has just said the baby is nearly here, oh just hurry up then.

That woman is screaming so hard and loud. What a carry-on. The nurse says PUSH that's it. Oh, yucky. Look at all that mess. I can see the baby they pull from her lower region, and everyone is happy. They cut the sausage and the baby cries. The baby is cleaned and given to the mother. Why was it dirty and needed to be cleaned. It wasn't out in the dirt to get dirty. So many questions I have to get the answers. The mother and father appear very happy, and so I am off out of here. Navigating my way out of here causes me a lot of stress as so many people are everywhere. I shall bide my time as I process what I just saw. 

Humans are a strange species and how on earth am I going to cope now. Life for me has changed forever. Imagine telling Trixie and all our mates. I tell you what, I deserve some bubbly. Imagine the chaos from the Mistress if I did this, especially after a previous episode a few months ago.  We had so much fun getting into her supplies and caused all sorts of strife. She went away without me for several days, and no indication as to when she would return, we were bored and explored her cupboards and found all sorts of delicious drinks to try. I can still remember the telling-off we got, and the mess she came home to with gnomes asleep all over the floor. 

I may re-consider my eager thirst. Just to sit under a tree on my own to gather my thoughts before I return to be beside the Mistress, and before she notices I have disappeared. My poor head is pounding, but I am enjoying the fresh air here. What a night for a Gnome. How can I process what has happened tonight? I would much rather be a Gnome than a human that is for sure. Jeepers, time is moving on as daylight is appearing and she would wake soon, if she slept that is. 

I arrive back to those nurses continuing to annoy her when she tries to sleep. They pump stuff into her arms all the time and she really does get grumpy with them. Sometimes they take stuff out and become a real pest.

I observe her struggling to eat her breakfast and worries me that she is so poorly. She grumbles about the dirty view from her bed and finds this very depressing.  Later that day the nurse said she was moving to another ward. This put a smile on her face, and she was ready to go when the orderlies appeared. His Lordship was delighted for her too and off they went with her in her bed while they pushed her from one side of the hospital to another.

Her excitement about this new room and beautiful decor and the view 3 stories up looking over the Avon amongst the trees, was a much-needed change. Then she spots people punting on the river. Oh, she is so happy. She informed His Lordship that she wants to do this when she is well again. So romantic she reckons. By the look on his face, he wasn't amused. I know her and she has her hidden talent to pull this one off.

Oh, I have just been told I am to go home with his Lordship today. Not on my watch I say, but this did not get me anywhere. I was stuffed in a bag and off we went. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


 The Mistress is home.

Thank goodness she made an appearance yesterday, and not before time. She just needs a couple of days rest before getting back on here. She has now ended up with pneumonia on top of getting her gall bladder out. Back on here soon.

Monday, January 8, 2024


What a night I had cruising around the hospital. I have never seen so many doorways. They were everywhere, and oh my goodness there are some very sick people around the place. There is a pregnancy wing very near here and I was hoping to learn something. Fancy human babies coming out of humans. I cannot get my head around this at all. I want to watch a baby being born, but only at night as it is so difficult for me to get around without being seen.

I kept coming back to check on the Mistress because she has had me worried at times and His Lordship too. I do know a lot of people have been praying for her, so I guess this helps too. 

The doctors came in this afternoon, and they are mighty pleased with her and to try and stay off the oxygen for as long as she can. His Lordship took her for a ride in the wheelchair and she enjoyed getting out for a few minutes. She really wanted some coke to release some gas upstairs. At least this worked because I could hear her burping. This was a new one for his Lordship to learn. He had never heard of such rot. He really doesn't like her drinking this stuff, but she thinks it's better than some stuff he drinks. I better not mention it here or more trouble could be on the horizon.

So tonight, I know exactly where these babies are born, and as the Mistress is feeling much better, I can stay away longer. It is my only chance as it looks like home tomorrow. 

Her favorite nurse is on today, and both are delighted. It looks like it is not every day someone calls her this. 

The Mistress cannot eat her dinner. She is not hungry especially the same gravy for 3 straight days. Roast beef, then roast pork, and, tonight roast chicken. She rolled her eyes big time seeing this and was far from impressed. The fruit crumble and custard, she thinks the fruit got out and left the rest to it......the pigs she says. So, this wasn't scored highly either. It must be time to go home as she is now complaining. I heard her say she expects pudding twice a day when she gets home. This did not go down at all well with her or him. 

Sunday, January 7, 2024


My Mistress is in hospital.

 My goodness, my world has changed. I have missed her terribly. His Lordship is beside himself and very lonely. He talks to me about this situation too and our question of when she is coming home? I hear these humans talking on the phone, and it appears she's been pretty sick at times. So today I told His Lordship He had to take me to see her, after all, he goes to the hospital and why can't I? 

So, on arrival, she was not so flash, but perked up when she saw me. 😂😂😂. 

Now it appears the fella opposite her broke his big toe on his right foot while trying to chase the cat outside as he was vomiting. This act must have been a sight to see as he is a very tall man who developed ballet skills. A piece of bone even poked through the side could be a chance that he takes up lessons for the next time, as being at an older age now he has time on his hands, and I am sure his wife would be thrilled for him to learn a new skill as there could be more outbursts from this cat as he does this regularly. Now you don't see Gnomes vomiting or have trips to the hospital. His wife has a few Gnomes, but nowhere near what we have at home. Maybe I could go and Suss them out. 

The young lady who completed the Ultrasound, whatever that is said this gallbladder is very angry. What's a gall bladder. The Mistress was in no mood to answer any of my questions, so just as well I brought some books with me. The cause of this mystery gall bladder appears to be the Mistress's son. Now when she was pregnant, 46 years ago the doctor told her the head of the baby was own and ready to go. Now hang on a minute, do you mean there was a baby in her tummy. How did it get there and become ready to go, what does this mean, She, briefly said ready to be born, ready to go through the channel to the outside world. OMG, what on earth is she saying here. Gnomes don't come from tummies. I need to see this to believe it. Our world is magic, and we just appear. Humans get more and more complicated each day.

The Mistress says her baby boy was breech and his head was against the gallbladder all along, and the x-ray proved his head was in that position. Now I think I need a lie-down. This is just TMI.

Phew back again, refreshed. The staff here are all shapes and sizes, and a bit like Gnomes. There are so many shapes of us, sometimes we have clothes on, and sometimes we do not. I could say this about humans too, but I could get into a whole heap of trouble here. The staff are a friendly bunch, except late at night when new patients come in, they bang and crash and are not friendly at all. The Mistress and her roommate are trying to sleep and rest because that's what they do in the hospital, rest and recover. I guess this is what he wanted too. The blonde nurses you have to watch. They are quite cheeky, and they ask lots of questions. The others are quiet and go about their tasks very quietly except of course the new patients to this ward in particular. So, blonde has the other staff reading the blogs too. They all could learn something on here. 

The Mistress is a wise woman and has so much knowledge for these people to learn. Of course, I am learning a lot too, and now the hospital. Just wait until I tell my mates just what goes on here. Staying the night here means I can creep around and have a nosy while they work, but they won't see me because I will be where they least expect it. I shall have to keep an eye on the Mistress too, because they are in her room a lot from my understanding. 

I believe yesterday His Lordship went to recovery yesterday she was very unwell with not enough oxygen, and I believe he had to give her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Just what she needed!!!!

Neither was complaining though. She is still having lack of oxygen today, and again he obliged. I find it rather extraordinary that humans breathe. Why? She is not in the mood to discuss. I guess I could find some medical books tonight on my travels around this place. I tell you what, there will be no mouth-to-mouth resuscitation coming from me. 

I want to know how they did this operation. My guess is the put her on an extra-large chopping board like they did with his Lordship's knee. They must have had very sharp knives to sharpen and get through the extra insulation she had. The dogs and cats would be around to lick up the blood that falls. Probably not a lot of blood as they did keyhole surgery and poked a camera in to see where they are going then chopped out through another hole to the gall bladder. I bet the cats and dogs enjoyed their feast, as the mistress didn't want to take these home as they offered them to her. Someone here said that you can turn the stones into jewelry, but she didn't have bar of this. Through all the pain and suffering a hunk around her neck wasn't going to happen. Silly question, what's a gall bladder, but then I must refer to the medical books I find later. Fascinating for a mere Gnome

So, coming back with oxygen was a surprise as she has it still attached. They did extra tests and things today, and if you ask me, she is very complicated.

Another thing they do here is give her dozens and dozens of pills to wash down with water. They also do this weird thing to her fingers three times a day. They poke holes in them and blood pops out. So strange if you ask me. Then they come along and give her an injection in her tummy. Ouch. They wouldn't get anywhere near me that is for sure.

Now the Mistress and her roommate were very worried about all the water on the bathroom floor being a health and safety issue. Now he had done enough ballet for the time being or at least he perfected his skills, and didn't really want any more injuries and The Mistress has had enough too lately with Moon boot, etc. We must look after the aged now they are a dying breed. 

The other thing that they are very concerned about is the state of the outside view of my Mistress. This too is a health and safety issue. There is green moss growing on the building and the birds use this area for a toilet. Surely this being a hospital they would keep it up to scratch. She wonders what the media would think of this situation.

I cast my eyes over this for myself.

Arh she was pleased to see me.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024


The Mistress has been a bit off-color for a few days but despite some pain battles on. Yesterday's human shopping day means all these bags were waltzed to the kitchen bench. It is fascinating watching from my shelf how they put all this stuff away.  Both of them seem to know exactly what they are doing, and especially His Lordship. He is so switched on to the Mistress's wavelength and just seems to know where things belong. This pleases The Mistress no end.

It amazes me just how much humans consume. A Gnome lives on fresh air and fun. I believe they pay money to buy these grocery items. What is money I ask. Nope, she is not in the mood to explain. Hmm, it appears it is up to me to figure this out. 

Visitors arrived for dinner, His Lordship's family. They have a young fella who asks lots of questions, and I feel we have a lot in common because I ask questions too. I usually get told to look in my books for answers. The young fella has all this digital stuff he can explore for his answers, plus his parents, or whoever is around. He wanted to know why I had a chocolate fish. He felt this was very strange and probably stupid, but even more surprised when the Mistress told him that Father Christmas filled my stocking with chocolate fish and some Gnome friends. Now today children do not hang up a sock like the Mistress did when she was a younger version of herself. 

Times have changed apparently, and they now hang all sorts of things like bags, etc. He just couldn't get his head around this sock business. He felt it would be stinky from humans' smelly feet, and the fact that it was a clean sock didn't seem right to him. How have times changed? 

They all enjoyed having dinner together and it appears this young fella is a fussy eater like the Mistress's Granddaughter. But he seemed to find things he liked especially the pudding. Playing with his jelly seemed to interest him. The Mistress was fascinated with how he played with it.  

Bedtime for these humans came along and the Mistress didn't appear comfortable. The light was on and off and it woke his Lordship up. He could see she was far from happy and in a lot of pain. Can't be her Achilles issue as she was holding herself in the upper body. Gosh, humans are so complicated. They need to join the Gnome world. The next thing she does is on the cell phone, then these young humans arrive in uniforms. What is going on here? They had lots of equipment with them. His Lordship was looking a little worried, but she needed to go to the hospital they announced. What on earth is a hospital? Oh, heck this is too much for a Gnome. I need to focus on my chair rock away and settle my mind for a while.

His Lordship disappeared this morning and brought her home. I am pleased to report all is ok and just needed some sleep after her breakfast. By the sound of what I heard and could understand they are not at all impressed with this hospital situation. In other words, if it happens again come back. What kind of system is this they ask. She reassured me that she will survive. Well, this is a blessing I feel.

22/7/24 News Flash Well, we have some exciting news to share with you all. We are temporarily taking a break as our house is sold.  We will ...