Catch up
His Lordship and I are keeping an eye on the Mistress. She is plodding along very carefully tires easily and has to rest often. A lady in her work uniform arrived this morning to check her out. She did all sorts of things and asked lots of questions. I believe she will come in for a few days, as this is instead of staying in the hospital. Now I like this idea because His Lordship and I are really concerned. I have noticed he tries to cover his concerns.
You see I am learning about these things the Mistress has taught me. Being very observant at my place on the shelf, means I don't miss a thing. Trixie too is getting switched on and learning a lot from these complicated human species.
Just as well we don't have anything inside us to go wrong. I guess we would trot off to the rubbish bin and be recycled. Crickey what would they turn us into I wonder. As far as I am concerned Gnomes last for hundreds of years and outlive humans. Nobody is going to do anything with me, and I will make sure of this. In fact, I have hatched a plan, but I am not about to disclose this here as this is Gnome's business only.
So today humans slept well and no people in uniform appeared. So this must mean all is well. I jolly hope so as I just can't bare the Mistress disappearing again. I really did miss her and more than I thought. His Lordship sure did. At times I saw him quite lost and didn't know what to do with himself. He perked up when the phone rang or a text pinged. He was always eager to visit her and he wouldn't let me go too on her last admission. I never understood why so I just had to "suck it up," he says. Humans can be so mean you know.
Usually, every day she would go outside and check on her Gnome family and they are wondering where she is. So, they too are missing her wandering past and having a chat or telling them off. They do not understand humans like Trixie and me, so there is a lot to teach them and more for us to learn.
I have had some time to study my medical books on babies and how they could possibly get into a woman's body that I saw on the Mistress's second visit. What an unbelievable event. This has disturbed my mind constantly ever since. Humans would say they have nightmares about some event. As for me, I am an utter wreck. I just cannot function. I will not read any more on this topic ever again. I recall that when a Gnome baby appears they just go poof, and they appear. None of this other nonsense. This is just way too much, and I shall choose very carefully in the future what I want to know and learn. The only problem though is I have to actually read it to find out, then regret it. Trixie has a good idea and recommends tossing this book in the recycle bin for some other twit to read and I think this is a very good idea. So tonight, I shall go out and toss it. I would not like it to get into the wrong hands especially the other chaps outside.
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