Tuesday, February 28, 2023



The mistress tells me this is our last full day here as we move to Waihi tomorrow for a few days.  We went to the Chinwag cafe group today for a natter with the locals and some yummy biscuits. 
I was in a prime position to eat these delicacies. The locals tell us there is a chinwag cafe in Waihi too. So, we might get to them too before we leave there. 
This mistress is itching to get into the Coromandel. We have had a few fine and sunny days lately, so the slips hopefully have dried up before we get there. 
So, the next cyclone is named after my dear mistress. But Judy doesn't want to people suffer any more NZ people again, so she is swinging in another direction, thank goodness. 
Today she took me up to the lookout and see the view and of course, pose for more photos. Jeepers we were a bit worried about the road as no room if another vehicle was coming towards us. She had a bit of a sweat on, but Shh don't tell her that I noticed this. Thankfully her paint job on the car remains intact!!
Well, it was pack-up day here and she muttered to herself where to put everything. A kind friend gave us some bubble wrap to put around my new gnome friends. Finally, they are now safely packed in the corners of the car. 
Now the daughter came up with a bright idea to save space. A big plastic bag that the vacuum cleaner sucks the air out of and bingo it fitted very well into a spare suitcase. Now the duvet and some clothes are safely packed saving the room. I hope she doesn't get pulled up by the red and blue light people for being overloaded. Oh, dear, this could be a problem. 
The mistress has commented on how friendly this place is. 
Well done, Paeroa, and hopefully the red and blue light people are friendly too if we get stopped and let us off as we are carrying some VIPs.  
The mistress is pretty sure that with the gnomes we have in the car she must have about 350 now including some animal and bird friends. I am sure she will have a count-up when we get home. 
Home ........gee that's now next month.
We are not homesick yet, but she does worry about how she will settle when we get back. So do you know she is planning another trip in a few months? That mistress hasn't consulted me on this. She wants to go to places we didn't get to this trip. 
She says that if I play my cards right, she will allow me to join her. If not she will leave me at home and take one of my mates. Oh dear, what shall I do?
I shall contemplate this serious matter over the winter.
She's thinking of leaving in the spring (end of Oct) and not away for as long as this time. It will be 5 months when we return this time. Jeepers. 
Now this fluffy cat here is still doing her usual through the night and not going out the cat door and demands her to open the back door and she reckons Millie even says please. 4 times again as I am counting. 
She came up on this chair for a while this afternoon, had a pat, scratch, and purred very loud with pure delight. That mistress never misses an opportunity and does some selfie photographs. OMG what next

Now, look at this. The mistress wants a kiss. I don't think Millie is keen. 

Millie continues to purr very loudly. The mistress is going to miss her that's for sure.

Monday, February 27, 2023

 Croquet Day



The lovely neighbor here plays croquet. The mistress says she's pretty good too. So, we went to the local club together, and I saw these players in action. My goodness, all sorts of human behavior going on. You wouldn't believe what I saw, and I shall not divulge my findings from my prime position at the window. This is Gnome business only. 
Gee, there were lots of powerful hits going on pushing the balls over the line. My mistress didn't do too many of these. She was chuffed getting the first hoop on the first game. Now I saw a very small white feather on her ball at one stage and she said that it was good luck from the heavens. She said someone was with her assisting with the game from above. 
Where on earth did, she get this idea from. She told me to MYOBB.
She played 3 games this morning with a cupper after 2 rounds. Lots of chatter going on and my mistress handed out our cards and exchanged stories of our travel journey and house-sitting.
Looks like she sold the idea of house-sitting for people. 
In the third game, her partner and the mistress won the game, So, she was chuffed.

Home time another lovely neighbor brought us back, but with a special treat. She had 3 Gnomes she wanted to go to a good home. So guess what? 
As you can see, I'm the smallest fella here. At home back in Christchurch, the mistress has another chap sitting in a wooden chair with a can of Tui. She was given this Gnome by a special person just before we left for our trip. She called him Carl, and so now she's just told me she will sort names for these chaps too. 
The mistress caught up with a new friend she met last week for a natter this afternoon. Thank goodness this friend has some bubble wrap for these fellas to be protected in the car for the rest of our journey. 
Another friend way back home sent her a lovely email tonight. It's given her something to ponder. Humans, I really don't know. Huh she just told me it's not Gnome business. 

Now last night this cat Millie, has the mistress right where she wants her. This fierce meow in the night 4 times she requested to go out. Now what I want to know is how come she can get in through the cat door but won't go out. Then there are times when we sit here watching TV and Millie will freely go out the cat door even with the curtains closed.
The mistress really doesn't mind but this cat needs a talking to. 
Lying on the chair tonight butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. The little monkey is all I can say. 


Sunday, February 26, 2023



Rain, rain, and more rain. Can't someone switch it off or delete it. In this day and age surely, someone knows how to do this. 

The mistress says google it. What on heaven's name is google. Oh, this is really hurting my brain cells. Ok, she said, check your books there must be an answer in them. Now I have a book on just about every topic and I have never come across this word.  

I think I need to lie down. Oh, I wish someone would bring me a beer or two because I sure need it today. The mistress says I need to keep up with this modern-day technology. 

What's technology? We gnomes are quite happy in our own world and don't need humans to stuff it up. I shall just tell her don't involve me in your so-called technology. 

Now, this cat is around here when it suits her, she demands food NOW. The mistress jumps to attention and seeks out what this animal needs. Then when she has eaten, she waltzes in here, the lounge, and plonks where she wishes and washes with her paw. Now, this tickled my fancy. It was so interesting, and I am keen on learning what these creatures do. How does she wash the rest of her body? The mistress says you will have to wait until Millie is ready to do this. Because she's just eaten it's important to her to clean her mouth straight away. But I saw her put her paw over her ears too. Yes, that's also important to cats. But why? 

She never had a comb, soap, or toothbrush. She licked her paw put the paw to her face and rubs it clean. Over and over again and again.

This animal stands on 3 legs while washing then does a little dance and changes position on a different 3 legs and washes the other side.

Have you ever seen anything so weird as this? I've got quite a long list now to consult with my mates at home.

The mistress says I need a wash, oh heck I'm off out of here.



The mistress is fed up with all this unpredictable weather. She got the washing out in bright sunshine and was mighty happy about that. 

It had rained through the night. It's not cold and she's happy about that too. This afternoon we went to Waihi for a look around and found our next accommodation location. The mistress is delighted  and the lady was out mowing the lawns. She didn't stop as felt it wasn't the right thing to do.

We could see the prefab out the back which is the accommodation.

The pictures look great online and interesting up here as so many people are cashing in on providing a space for the traveling public and earning an income. 

The mistress is happy for these people and how to make an extra dollar or two. Apart from one, they have all been great. 

The mistress was hanging out for a cupper, and while we were sitting there, she could see a rain cloud, so we headed back to Paeroa to get the washing. But on the way, there were at least 6-8 police cars on the other side of the road, and some police were down the bank. At least they weren't following us. She let out a big PHEW!!

Being a nosey Gnome I really want to know what was going on. 

Do you know what the mistress said to me? MYOBB. Now she has said this in the past too, and now I really must work out what it means. Humans are a complicated species. 

Now, this resident cat seems to dominate the goings-on around here.

 She doesn't always eat when she's supposed to and is such a waste leaving for the flies. Then later she is offered something else, and more to her satisfaction. 

The mistress is trying to brush her fur which is a complete waste of time. Her family won't be at all impressed to see these knots she has.

I told her at least she tried and that's all you can ask. At least Millie does like her medicine in the mornings. 

She didn't sleep on the bed last night. Apparently, it wasn't cold enough, and warm again tonight.

Friday, February 24, 2023



Hey, I've got to tell you something. Last night when the mistress went to bed, she asked that cat if she was going to join her. Of course, it was a very cold night and Millie isn't stupid, she trotted down the passage jumped on the bed, had a pat, scratch, and many purrs later they both fell asleep. 

Then about 3am Millie let out a humongous meow. Rather loud in the middle of the night. She sure disturbed me because I was at a very interesting part of my book, which I am not telling you the topic as this is just Gnome business.

Today was sunshine after all the rain last night, but just down the road in Waihi, they had a nasty tornado rip through their houses this morning at about 8am. The mistress is mighty glad we weren't there because we head there on Thursday for a few days. She's not impressed about all these weather events that appear to happen all around us and just as well I think. 

I can just visualize us floating away on some of these forestry logs that are hanging around. Gee, I think we need life jackets.

Where we come from, we don't get these strange weather events, only earthquakes and that's enough for us as they were quite nasty and don't require any more in our lifetime.

Today we headed off in our car and zoomed to the Thames for lunch and a look around.

Hey, she didn't buy any Gnomes or clothes. AMAZING.........the daughter will be pleased!!

The mistress found a nice spot to park and look out at the view with the waves tumbling in and the sunshine. I must admit to you and not the mistress I really enjoyed the fresh air. She did a word find in a book for a while and almost went to sleep because I looked over my book and saw her eyes getting very heavy. Shhh don't tell her though.




 5am, I heard the mistress talking in her room to the cat. Hey, don't they know that it is still the middle of the night? The cat Millie parked herself on her bed for a snuggle. The mistress was patting her and tickling under her chin and Millie was purring. She was comfortable as outside it was raining and cold. The temperature suddenly changed; Millie knew where it was warm, and the mistress wasn't complaining. 

I had some more peace this morning as my mistress went out to meet the new friend, she met a few days ago. This friend had a gift for each of us. Huh a gift for me. A green agate crystal. That's a kind lady. 

It appears these 2 ladies get on very well and will meet again before we leave here. It filled in the morning as she arrived home at lunchtime. So, I reckon there was a lot of yacking going on.

Now, this weather has the mistress thinking about getting out her winter woolies. We were going to go up to the Coromandel tomorrow, but the road won't be safe again and probably more slips again not making it safe.

The mistress decided fish and chips were required for dinner tonight. This meant going out in the rain, but she didn't mind.

Now I wish I could use the camera. That cat decided she liked the smell of the fish.....snapper for those at home! 

Without warning, she jumped up on the table for her share. The mistress was far from impressed and made her get down to the floor. But next thing that mistress tore a piece of paper off the packet and put it on the floor with a small piece of fish. Millie thought she was in heaven, I think. Snapper is unheard of at home unless you catch it yourself from special locations.

Now tonight she is on the chair all cozy and warm inside. I wonder if she makes it onto the mistress's bed tonight?

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

 A Quiet day today


The mistress says this is a quiet place here in Paeroa. Not a lot happens around here, and the weather is changing. The experts are now saying there could be another cyclone next week. She is not amused at all and feels for the poor people around the Hawks Bay area because they are still dealing with the last cyclone. 

Now the mistress had a little visitor on her bed in the night which was very fluffy. She didn't let on to Millie though. Millie was a little monkey and wanted out 3 times through the night. I think she wanted my company, and I was out in the car catching up on my reading. 

It's a tough life being a Gnome, as these humans are really quite a mystery really. Complete Weirdos. But don't tell the mistress.

The weather turned this afternoon and rained and rained. Poor Milly couldn't make it out. She has been so used to sleeping in her special place in the garage where it is nice and sunny.

Tonight, this cat has her own mind. She's far from impressed about going outside and has made herself very comfortable on the big chair.

This cat isn't impressed with the menu either. Sniffs and walks away today. I told her to complain to the management around here. But the management is on holiday for another week yet. 

I suspect the mistress will buy something else tomorrow. 

The kind lady next door gave her a memo of our stay in Paeroa with a fridge magnet. It appears she plays croquet and will take the mistress next week.

Chinwag Cafe


What on earth is this all about. The mistress says, wait and see. Life is full of surprises. The mistress finds some courage and again steps out of her comfort zone.  Apparently, she saw an article in an Age Concern magazine about Chinwag Cafe. Initially, she left me in the car as was unsure of the environment.  But as usual, she should have trusted her instinct. 

So, when is this woman going to learn to trust herself.?

Eventually, she came back to the car to collect me and to meet everyone. Most were delighted to hear our story and all the things we have been up to. The mistress handed out cards so people could look up the blog.

 She was in a deep conversation with a lovely lady who also writes. I reckon they could have talked for hours and hours.

This lady had a huge dog with her. 50 plus kilos. Another couple had 4 little dogs who were on their best behavior. 

I hear they are going to catch up later in the week over a cupper. 

After the chinwag, we headed off to Morrinsville for lunch and a look around. You should have seen all the cows. The farms are full of them. All colors, shapes, and sizes.  The strange thing about these creatures is they like following each other. Cats, humans, and now cows. They are all weirdos if you ask me.

The mistress says now I have something else to look up in my books. So that will certainly keep me quiet for a while.

This time I wasn't left in the car. I could feel more posing for photos in the air. Sure, enough the mistress plonks me on a cow's back, then another, and another. This place not only has real cows, but it also has dummies. 

So next we went around the corner and ...................

A cow outside the police station. Then she plonks me down to pose again. 
There is never a dull moment on this journey. 

Now just between you and me that mistress spent some more $$$, and not on Gnomes, but I could be in trouble if I told you what she bought. That daughter may growl.....again! I don't want to be left on the side of the road, because I could float away in all this water that's still around in places. 

So, on the way back, we see red and blue lights. But she says we are ok as it's on the other side of the road. Phew! I reckon she had a sweat up.  But don't tell her this. 

Monday, February 20, 2023



It appears a previous blog away back in January was incorrect. The mistress reports that this is the real McCoy smack bang where this product was produced. Created in 1907 with lemon juice and mineral water. No wonder it's popular. Later the locals felt a large bottle would attract people to the area. This monument is 23 feet high.  
Our apologies for the incorrect reporting previously. 

Now can you find me?

I heard the mistress saying the signage was getting tatty. But it's been there a while.

Today we have both caught up on some reading. I haven't seen the mistress read a book all holiday. I even wondered if she could in fact read.!! Oops I got a black look then and a shame I can't take photos or cook! But I can read, especially her face.!

Millie put in some appearances again today. I could even hear her purr. That mistress tickles her under the chin, and one happy cat.
She really likes getting the mistress up through the night to go out. But she doesn't mind at all. They have a great conversation going when most cats and humans sleep.

This wasn't taken at 3 am. She's talking to the mistress here and she says she's smiling for the camera. Humans really? 

Millie thinks she has all the answers to this word-find book. Really? By the look on her face, I won't argue. 

 Chores Day


The mistress caught up on chores today, vacuumed, washed floors, and filled her dosette boxes. Man, you want to see all those pills she takes. Maybe that's what I hear sometimes when she walks past me. It is a rattling noise, so that must mean it's all those pills. Hmm something else about these weirdos.

Millie pops in from time to time, producing her usual meow. Demands food right NOW and she won't wait. The kind mistress stops immediately and gets her food, and what a joke. That cat sniffs and often walks away. Then she gives her something else. What another weirdo. Cats and humans are so complicated. This will take a lifetime for me to work out. That's ok she says...your retired.

The phone was hot for a while catching up with people and mighty glad that the 2 Hastings house sits are all safe and ok, although one of them has a huge 40 foot tree across their garage. They are both still going on their holidays as planned. The mistress has been very worried about these poor people and can now relax knowing they are all safe. We go there towards the end of March and April.

Now I have to tell you something. That mistress plonked me near the back door on the bench so she would remember to take me with her the next time she went out. The car had a day at home too today. 

But I hear we are going out tomorrow. It's good to have a home day. I caught up with some reading, and I helped the mistress cook her dinner. After saying I was useless, I was very hurt. Humans I don't know.

Saturday, February 18, 2023



A lazy Sunday for us today. The mistress caught up with the washing and a beautiful day was dried in no time.

I focused on my books because I have so much to explore about these human species. They are so weird and so different from us Gnomes. 

It's going to take so long to study these weirdos. The mistress tells me that as I am retired, I have all the time in the world. True, and I can't argue with that. 

Millie the cat here has wandered in at mealtimes, with her growly growl, and happy to be patted and a heavy conversation going on between her and the mistress. She doesn't eat much, but I guess this ok. 

I had some peace this Avo because the mistress went out thinking I was in the car.  Oh, how wrong she was. She tells me she turned around thinking I was beside her in the car and I wasn't. She had to admit, she missed me. Now the fella who lives here and is now on holiday sent a blog message to say the story about the iconic Lemon and Paeroa bottle is the one in a different location. The mistress went down to take photos of the correct bottle, and I wasn't beside her. 

She was guttered. Awe..... is this LOVE? 

I shall study the books about this topic. 

The mistress caught up with some friends texting and phone call this afternoon and last night I thought that the friend she spoke to, the call would never finish. They yacked and yacked with love and laughter too. There is a special bond between these two. 

The mistress says they are both extremely spiritual. They listen to their higher selves. She reckons they are soul mates as they understand each other. I think they will be glad to see each other when we get home. 

If you ask me, I reckon that they would each like to meet a fella who understands them like they do. 

Some good news about one of the house sits in April in Hastings. All is on track as no damage from the cyclone and due to fly out as planned. The mistress says it's good to hear this news as was worried they had floated away. She just needs to hear from the other now.

So, I wonder what she has planned for us tomorrow? 

Friday, February 17, 2023

Visited the Thames today.


Off we went for our day out in the mistress's favorite car ever. She just loves this car, as we cruise along on another sunny day. I am perched in my usual place on the cushion, with my seat belt on, and looking out for those dreaded red and blue lights. The road is good and evidence of the cyclone damage in places. 

The mistress left me in the car while she explored the township market. I enjoyed the peace and human people watching. Their market is on the street outside shops, and she parked the car in a perfect place. I saw all sorts of human behavior. But I won't divulge. It's just Gnome business. I have more things to explore in my books, and so much to tell my mates at home. I've come to the conclusion that humans are just weird. 

But there are some who are kind and take me on holiday, so I won't say anymore because I could get left on the side of the road.

The mistress was dying to tell me about something she saw at the market, and she made sure she told me she didn't buy it. Phew!!

She thought that the people living here are very creative. She liked the vibe here. Put it this way I have a feeling we will be back up there next summer house sitting.

Now she kidnapped a Gnome from a great place today. She says it's got Welcome across the barrel that the Gnome is sitting in. His head wobbles on a spring and of course, she had to buy it. OH HECK where is this going to fit. She better buys a trailer. Oh, hang on, no tow bar. No, not a good idea to get one fitted, because she would fill it for sure.

After chatting to a bloke, he recommended she drive us to the Coromandel, as the road is good, but the rest of the roads are closed.

Off we go cruising along and a few S... words about the damage we saw. Those clever road workers made it perfect for us and lots of stops to admire the view. A shame the tide was out, but we did enjoy our stops.

Beautiful sea, so calm, and we could have stayed here for ages. I spotted some people fishing from boats and some on the rocks. 
I wonder if my mates at home have caught any fish yet. They have always got the BBQ ready. 
Great view from this tree. I couldn't even read my book as it was a perfect place. Oh, the mistress is so good to me. 

Just look at that Sexy car. Aye hang on, what does that actually mean. I overheard the mistress talking about it the other day. OMG something else to look up. I thought I was retired.
We went as far as Tapu then turned around and headed back. I have a feeling we will be going back next Saturday. The mistress announced that she would plan the day better next week, as she didn't want to be late getting back to Paeroa. After all, she has the resident cat to feed and talk to. 
Millie appeared after we got home and had plenty to say for herself too. Food was requested by this fluffy thing and gee she is so demanding with a very growly meow. The mistress seems to know what she is saying, so I just mind my own business.
Now look here cat, those whiskers tickle and stop licking my book. What does she think she is doing. The mistress says she's fascinated with me. Now look here cat. I am minding my own business here and I suggest you do the same. 
Thank goodness she has gone and left me in peace. Shes so fluffy compared to other cats we have looked after, but she is not keen on getting brushed yet. The mistress says this could take a few more days yet. I think the scissors would do the trick. No knots then aye.!!
That mistress just growled at me. 

Thursday, February 16, 2023



Thank goodness we are having another lazy day today. All this going here there and everywhere hurts my poor brain. I have just sat and read my books because I have a lot of research to do on those humans. 

The mistress especially. I really want to know what makes her tick and tock. I have a gut feeling this could be rather a large job for me. 

She decided to tidy up the car as everything was everywhere and I watched her tossing all sorts of things out, got crazy with her special duster, especially for the car only, and I am not to get any ideas about using it. That's for humans only because we Gnomes like a bit of dirt and dust around. That mistress doesn't like it one bit. She has a special hiding place for it, so it is always handy. It even has a long handle that extends to those inaccessible places.

I better watch out in case she uses it on me when I am engrossed in my book. She will hear about it that's for sure. Today, she picked up a huge box at her favorite shop here in Paeroa. OMG where does she think that is going to fit? What is in it I asked.?

MYOBB she says. This is a human business and not the Gnome business. I wonder if the daughter knows about this news. I think I better see about letting her know. 

Now the mistress has just clicked on this. Her special power picked up my signal. Oh, bother. 

There is now a huge concrete Gnome badly in need of paint in the car. She said a special lady wanted her to have it as it badly needs some paint and TLC. It is also very old. I wonder if it is older than the mistress. Gee, I better not ask! It might not be safe for me to do this. She announces that it is a good winter job for her. Especially when she can't play croquet. 

She has just told me that we will be up early tomorrow because we're going to the Thames as it's not far from here. She checked the roads, because of the cyclone and the neighbor here says there is a good market there. Well, I think she better leaves her wallet at home. My gut feeling tells me she is sure to buy more gnomes.!!

Now this resident cat here. She has an amazing life. She just sleeps all day and night. She didn't come in for breakfast, so the mistress took out her special medicine again. If she doesn't come in soon the mistress said she would take food out to her. What a spoiled cat. 

The mistress says she is adorable. You need to hear her meow. It is so loud, and I have never heard anything like it. It is more of a growl; she didn't stay in for long yesterday. Just long enough to eat and look around then back to the garage.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023



The mistress had a sleep-in today, but well deserved I must say. The people here left in the middle of the night to catch their plane. 

But she's not functioning properly and says just tired and going to have a quiet day at home. But did need to go to the supermarket. I stayed in the car to observe the talent around here and to see if any of my cousins were floating around because I could save them. 

I did request she look out for another Robot. But on returning said no, none. The aisles were narrow and lots of people were around, doing their shopping, and no room for a Robot in there. She reports it's just a country supermarket here and very small, and that includes the car park. 

Now, this morning the mistress was a bit stressed as she couldn't get the laptop onto the internet, so I stayed out of the way. The poor daughter had to come up with some ideas, and after all, we have stayed at so many places and the poor computer probably had had enough I would say. Anyway, after a piece of chocolate to clear her brain cells BINGO she's sorted. 

Amazing what chocolate will do. But where was mine? Doh...

Now there is supposed to be a cat living here, called Millie. But I haven't seen her yet. She's probably got the pip because her family is away. She's 16 years old and doesn't keep well. The mistress went out to her hiding place and was fast asleep, so I suppose she will come in when hungry. 

A funny thing happened this afternoon, and before she ate the chocolate, she rang a very dear friend. When she answered she was stunned, because she was looking at a map to see where we were, and the mistress phoned.... spooky, especially because of the terrible floods. So, the two of them are in sync and this often happens to this friend and others. The mistress is used to this happening with people, but gee she has weird brain cells, I think. I will look this one up too tonight.

There have been so many helicopters flying around here today. It's almost constant. Plus, I think the sky is falling in because there is so much thunder and very little rain. The mistress says the atmosphere is strange, and very still at times and hopes there are no more earthquakes because the new Prime Minister called Chris, wasn't impressed with the news that there was one near Wellington. The bunker people are way too busy dealing with the cyclone problems, and I think his brain hurt hearing this news. Maybe someone should offer him some chocolate too. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Tis a great life being a traveling Gnome. I am going to have so much to tell me mates at home. This will take me all year, I think. 

What dah ya reckon. It would make a good book. These adventures of ours is really so much fun. You should see the mistress right now with this thunder and I'm shaking in my boots as it's so loud. 


Hamilton to Paeroa

The mistress was very restless last night, probably worrying about the state of the roads. Being such a good and careful driver, I was impressed with her, but don't tell her this. She could get a swelled head. Jeepers you should have seen all the water in the paddocks. Not on the roads though. And the corn/maize, flattened and so sad says the mistress. The mistress gave me the job of looking out for water on the road and looking out for the red and blue lights. Gosh, it was rather busy this trip. An extra chore meant we were both very tired last night.

She took me to Te Aroha in the afternoon and for lunch. She had a paddle in a foot bath and tried to get me in their too, but NO way, Gnomes don't wash. She thought she would trick me I think and get the water to me. Look how close. I was not amused at all. It's far too close for me. I kept pulling my knees up too. These humans take a while to learn what Gnomes will and won't do.

The mistress did enjoy a roast meal last night, and she didn't even cook it either. She paid a slave to do this. At least it wasn't a Gnomes job. That is definitely not in my job description.
We live on love and I think she should too. But how do humans find love these days? I will have to consult my books. There has been no fella at home for a long time, only the bloke who had to sleep on the lounge floor and then flew out the next day.
It's been a busy holiday with all this stuff I have had to look up. It sure beats sitting on the shelf at home though. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Cyclones have been and gone.


Thankfully we survived Cyclone Gabrielle. The mistress and I are not accustomed to these things happening. But we slept extremely well and were not disturbed by the noise of the wind and rain. I did see my mistress check that her precious car hadn't blown away through the night. The look of happiness was a joy to see. 

Valentine's day 

Ahh, I am the mistress valentine. She really does LOVE me. I think I better share these. She's so kind and I love her too, but shh don't dare tell her. Remember this is Gnome business we don't share this information. There were no flowers or chocolates at her door this morning so I must be the only one😍.

She took me out for morning tea and a look around to see if any damage around the place.

The odd tree was down, and leaves were all over the place. We were nice and safe and mighty glad the roof didn't blow off. Now that really could have been a huge problem. All houses around here looked ok. I didn't see any Gnomes floating away or running for that matter. The mistress was disappointed about this. I'm glad because her car is so FULL.

Now I must tell you about something about yesterday that I wasn't allowed to talk about. We were shopping at the local Countdown, and the mistress talked to a handsome young fella and got permission to take some photos, but we had to wait until his boss gave us permission to put them on this blog. 

She announced that I was to be patient. So, we wander around, and the next minute she said, "there it is". 

What on earth is that thing. It moved around but not like a gnome. There was no red hat or black boots. He didn't have a book to read or had anybody with it. A..... ROBOT.

Its name was Kai. It had its own park to recharge, it moved, and it stopped. Hmmm


Arh she's having problems with this computer again. I am having problems with this Robot. So, what does it do?

It's the first of its kind here in Hamilton and near to we are staying. Gosh, I hope it doesn't find us.

Kai has a job description....he must go around the shelves and record the empty spaces and note any hazards. Health and Safety hazards. 

In the photo, you will see it has a charging station. When it needs to it goes back to the station to recharge. You mean it has a brain. Oh, I need a lie-down and consult my books. 

Gosh does it get paid? In our Gnome world, we never see such things. I wonder if there are any Gnome robots in the garden at home. I'm keen to find this out but it's a long time until we are home.

I wonder what this mistress is going to find next. 

We are off to Paeroa tomorrow for the next house sit. Better check the road conditions before we leave.

Monday, February 13, 2023

The storm is coming.


What are we to do says the mistress, storm hasn't really hit yet. The priority is keeping warm and cozy; my mistress and I are in just the right temperatures. That lovely lady next door has made sure we are ok. She's a busy lady, and still found the time to check on us.

We went out this morning, but I am not allowed to talk about it yet. Now, this is tough for a Gnome not to talk about it. But we did go and have a cupper in a cafe afterward. 

Back home on the couch for the rest of the day.

That mistress of mine has been on the computer almost all day. She reckons she needs a secretary, and as for that daughter of hers she fixes problems that arise and there are so many I have lost count. The poor girl.... oops woman, I hope she gets paid.

The texts of support keep coming and the look on her face is always a picture. It's a pity I can't work a camera, or maybe just as well. I don't think this camera stuff is gnome business. I shall just keep posing and reading my books.

Her elderly Aunt and Uncle, look forward to checking the blog each day. They are tickled pink and proud of their niece. 

A neighbor checking up on us tonight. 

We are safe here in Hamilton, but there are thousands of people who have lost their homes, and water everywhere. I sure hope there are no gnomes floating away. Poor fellas. If I see you, I will rescue you. This mistress could do with some more gnomes.!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2023



The mistress and I cruised off to Tamahere yesterday, to see her friend of about 30 years. Gee this is a long time. They must be ancient. I dare not ask their ages, because I could get into a whole lot of trouble here.

She remarked how well the car is going and a delight to drive. We have traveled on all sorts of roads and road works and we are in for a challenging week because the cyclone is heading closer to where we are going, Paeroa on Wednesday. The Coromandel is on the mistress's bucket list, but have decided to stay away, as there may not be any roads left after Gabrielle has done her damage.  Paeroa is not far away from the Coromandel. So, we are bracing ourselves and so are the people we are house-sitting for. They are catching a flight out of N.Z. and hoping their flight isn't grounded. 

The mistress is well organized with supplies as she's not keen on going out in this messy weather. We had a lazy day in our posh pad and her tall lanky son came over this afternoon. He had been away racing his little cars again. Doesn't sound like he did any good though.

Well, his Mum dropped a bombshell on him this afternoon. She wants to go in a hot air balloon on the 11th of March when we return to Hamilton. He wasn't expecting this from her that's for sure. The mistress isn't game to go it alone and would be glad of his company or comfort!!!!

She told him she has to get out of her comfort zone. I thought she already was.?  My goodness, I wonder what her friends will say about this news.

So, the booking is made without consulting me. What about my comfort zone. Oh, heck I am nervous already. I will need to consult my books as to how I will handle this. Surely, I can run away until this is over, and I will plan how I should do this.

I desperately need my mates to sort this one.

Now tomorrow, that mistress has something else cooking. She won't tell me about it. Said it's not up for discussion. Hmm.  

We shall sleep on this one. 

22/7/24 News Flash Well, we have some exciting news to share with you all. We are temporarily taking a break as our house is sold.  We will ...