The mistress tells me this is our last full day here as we move to Waihi tomorrow for a few days. We went to the Chinwag cafe group today for a natter with the locals and some yummy biscuits.
I was in a prime position to eat these delicacies. The locals tell us there is a chinwag cafe in Waihi too. So, we might get to them too before we leave there.
This mistress is itching to get into the Coromandel. We have had a few fine and sunny days lately, so the slips hopefully have dried up before we get there.
So, the next cyclone is named after my dear mistress. But Judy doesn't want to people suffer any more NZ people again, so she is swinging in another direction, thank goodness.
Today she took me up to the lookout and see the view and of course, pose for more photos. Jeepers we were a bit worried about the road as no room if another vehicle was coming towards us. She had a bit of a sweat on, but Shh don't tell her that I noticed this. Thankfully her paint job on the car remains intact!!
Well, it was pack-up day here and she muttered to herself where to put everything. A kind friend gave us some bubble wrap to put around my new gnome friends. Finally, they are now safely packed in the corners of the car.
Now the daughter came up with a bright idea to save space. A big plastic bag that the vacuum cleaner sucks the air out of and bingo it fitted very well into a spare suitcase. Now the duvet and some clothes are safely packed saving the room. I hope she doesn't get pulled up by the red and blue light people for being overloaded. Oh, dear, this could be a problem.
The mistress has commented on how friendly this place is.
Well done, Paeroa, and hopefully the red and blue light people are friendly too if we get stopped and let us off as we are carrying some VIPs.
The mistress is pretty sure that with the gnomes we have in the car she must have about 350 now including some animal and bird friends. I am sure she will have a count-up when we get home.
Home ........gee that's now next month.
We are not homesick yet, but she does worry about how she will settle when we get back. So do you know she is planning another trip in a few months? That mistress hasn't consulted me on this. She wants to go to places we didn't get to this trip.
She says that if I play my cards right, she will allow me to join her. If not she will leave me at home and take one of my mates. Oh dear, what shall I do?
I shall contemplate this serious matter over the winter.
She's thinking of leaving in the spring (end of Oct) and not away for as long as this time. It will be 5 months when we return this time. Jeepers.
Now this fluffy cat here is still doing her usual through the night and not going out the cat door and demands her to open the back door and she reckons Millie even says please. 4 times again as I am counting.
She came up on this chair for a while this afternoon, had a pat, scratch, and purred very loud with pure delight. That mistress never misses an opportunity and does some selfie photographs. OMG what next
Millie continues to purr very loudly. The mistress is going to miss her that's for sure.
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