Thursday, May 30, 2024


We are worried about these humans.

Well, NZ is experiencing the after-effects of this new Government's so-called budget. The Mistress has always said never to talk about politics here. But what am I to do? I am so worried about her suffering this financial blow with the cost of living. She tries so hard to stretch her measly pension, and the amount this government is giving is $2.10 per week—$4.20 per payday. This money will not pay for a whole loaf of bread, and no cup of tea at the local cafe. She likes her cups of tea too, but this is such luxury. There is water in the tap instead, but humans need food to survive. She may well disappear from us with this lack of nourishment. The situation is dire, and she's struggling to make ends meet. 

She has been ranting all day long about this terrible blow and is now getting to me. She has been talking to her friends about this, and they all agree. The stress and worry are palpable in her voice, and it's hard not to be affected. 
As a humble Gnome, I am at a loss. The Mistress suggests I should go and earn a living, but that's not what Gnomes do. I am desperate to help, to find a solution, but I am limited by my nature.
But I wanted to help, and needed to check with my mates whenever she leaves the room. 
We listen to many things, and there seem to be always petitions about something on Television. The Mistress is known for taking an interest in some things, which gave us an idea. When she sat down with her glass of water this afternoon, please note, and no cup of tea, I talked to her about why we should do a petition. Her eyes nearly popped out, and her mouth opened wide. When this suggestion finally made sense, she jumped for joy. The petition will call on the government to reconsider its budget decisions, particularly those affecting the elderly and those on fixed incomes like the Mistress. 
She reckons that going into Christchurch Cathedral Square with all of us will get our point across. O.M.G.M. What on earth is happening here? I need a lie-down.  She says we need supporters there, too. But where is a Gnome going to find supporters? The plan is to gather in a visible, public space to draw attention to our cause and hopefully attract the support we need. 

Any kind person who reads this will attend this gathering, and we will let you know when. The Mistress says on a Friday, but only if it is sunny. She is not prepared to go there in the rain. We need people to stand with us and show the government we are not alone in our struggle. Your presence and support make all the difference.

It would be terrible if she and her supporters got sick because the government isn't helping much with the Health System either. She reckons that the budget is full of broken promises, but my friends and I do not understand what she means. I do not buy political books and never will. My goal is to understand humans in their daily lives.

Feel free to show your support in the comments section below. 


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