Friday, February 9, 2024


 It is still very quiet around here. The Mistress lapping up the peace, and the radio going quietly in the background. The Mistress reckons it has cobwebs around it from the lack of use. She has been a busy bee in the kitchen chopping vegetables for Chow chow to be made tomorrow. All was going well until I heard an ouch. It appears she thought she would slice some meat into it as well, but the blood needed attention. Off to the bathroom for some plaster and she saw that no meat on her bone was missing, and just slid the skin back. All is well until later when she knocked it and more blood. Just as well her friend isn't here as she would probably have fainted. She took the Mistress out for lunch today, then came home and processed more vegetables, so now the pot is very full. 

More Gnome fun last night with this new bloke. He has so many stories and they just keep coming and the pole dancer ended up on the floor. What a crack up we had watched her pole vault to the floor, which of course meant more laughter. Up on his shelf there is a fella with dumb bells, well they went flying too and knocked over the golfer. Now he is nursing a very sore head today and not at all amused but did enjoy these jokes. I cannot share these as they are only fit for Gnomes. 

Phew there is a drop in the temperature around here. The Mistress has the door closed, so she must be feeling the cool change. Normally the door is open late, but a southerly has arrived to change her routine. 

Today we have been thinking about what we can get up to tonight. So far nobody has come up with any ideas. Probably best not to discuss here for obvious reasons.

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