It is a cruisy life here today. Nobody is rushing around, and all is quiet. Even the phone is quiet, which makes a change. These humans went out this afternoon. As usual no indication as to how long they would be, so as soon as they left, most of my gnome mates got together and had races around the house and hiding. Some of us can fit under the bed. The barrel fella rolled around behind the door, and nobody could find him. We had a great time running around the house.
Hey, she kicked me off the computer yesterday and I wasn't allowed back on. Goodness only knows why. She is a bossy thing sometimes you know.
Today they have been out for a while, so the rest of us gathered outside by the pool. The fella in the boat splashed water all over us with his Ore. We were not impressed. I have a dislike for water in all forms and was far from impressed. Some of my mates had a real dunking too. The sun wasn't that hot for us to dry off either.
These humans came home before we were ready so a mad scramble to get back to our places. Just as well it took them a while to come in after we heard the car up the driveway. They stopped and spoke to the neighbor then His Lordship had the job of carrying the supermarket inside. The Mistress announces that Christmas is coming and from Thursday nobody here can drive for a few weeks. My goodness I lost count of the number of bags coming inside. They just kept coming, and I did notice some plonk coming in too. They are quite partial to this fancy liquid too. Now we have been warned to keep our hands off it for some reason. I may have forgotten as to why though. I shall have to think about this and discuss it later when they go to sleep.
Speaking of sleep, his Lordship is counting the days down for his surgery on Thursday. His daughter is taking him to the hospital as the mistress can't drive in her moon boot. But she can drive the sewing machine she says. His new pajamas needed an adjustment that only a sewing machine, could do. Well, his Lordship was pretty worried about these pins she put in as he had to try them on before she began. The look on his face was pretty spectacular I can tell you. I wouldn't trust her at all if it was my trousers. Enough said because I could get into trouble here.
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