Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Oh, the mistress is not happy. She ruptured her Achilles heel and said that it was very painful. She hobbles around here very slowly. The mind boggles as to what this actually is. Gnomes don't get these ailments and sicknesses that humans get, and just as well I say. I reckon that it is because humans are so complicated. Too many moving parts that can go wrong. She has just announced that she is going to the Doctor in the morning. What on earth can they do I say. Maybe give her a new foot. Oh, heck so complicated for a mere Gnome. Do I have to look this up too?

The mistress thinks this could help me to understand. It's not in the psychology books though. She says to check out the biology section. They will have pictures for me to see and understand. Do I really want to know this stuff? Oh, my head hurts. I need to lie down with that chap on the floor around the corner. He is always sleeping. 

I am quite comfy here. I shall just take a nap or two.

Today the mistress has had a whole lot of documents out all over the bench and table and at times chucked some on the floor. Goodness only knows what she is doing. I didn't ask as; do I really need to clog my head up with more information. I think I have had enough for the day. She really knows how to wear my Gnome brain out at times.

Thought for the day.

Not all blessings are in the form of money.

Sometimes having people in our lives who truly

care for us is a greater blessing.


The tongue has no bones, 

but is strong enough to break a heart.

So be careful with your words. 


Do good for others,

It will come back in

unexpected ways.



It was very quiet here this morning. No sign of the mistress. Even the neighbor was worried as the mistress hadn't opened her curtains by 11 a.m. which was very unusual for her. She must have needed extra sleep I reckon as this flu bug has really got to her. My guess is sleep would help her to get better.

She hasn't moved very fast today yet again. The sun is out, and she's been sitting in her chair in the sun. 

Overnight, these Gnome fellas sat around discussing the life of a mere Gnome. Not much bothers us we reckon, and when we listen to that jolly TV the world is in a real mess. Humans are wrecking our planet that we Gnomes, live in. They could learn a lot from us we say, but really, would they listen? With their own agenda, they continue to fight fires, crash planes and kill people, gather all the fish, and not leave some for another day, oh heck the list goes on. 

Now don't get us started on politics. Why oh, why do they need a government. Gnomes survive without politics so why can't humans. All they do is try and be better than someone else. I call this fighting and bullying. A peaceful life is what we live so why can't those in power have peace and harmony. What would happen if nobody voted. Now this would cause a stir. The mistress has just said what a good idea of mine. Nobody to vote then see where the world would be. The mind boggles don't you think. 

Maybe a Gnome needs to be head of the world. It would be a much safer place to live. We will have another meeting on this tonight, while the mistress sleeps. 

Crumbed Cod and Chips
The mistress went to an appointment this afternoon and came home with a strange parcel. Good heavens she started eating out of this packet. Here she is sitting in her chair with her dinner on her lap, now that is weird. She tried to tell me this was a typical Kiwi meal, especially coming home late and can't be bothered cooking. It looked like she enjoyed it and licking her lips. How strange I say. 

Monday, August 28, 2023


 Life here continues its battles with this flu bug. Her fella is now coughing and running for the tissues. The mistress, well her head seems to trouble her often. She moans about being cold one minute, then frozen, no hang on she's so hot she is stripping off. She usually goes out on Monday night, but I noted she let them know she was still sick. The mistress is fed up and hopes this will all go away soon.

Her fella is not impressed at getting this flu back again either, but the mistress likes to share her stuff. She says she is not selfish. 

Her fella had to go back a day earlier this week so maybe the bugs will disappear before they see each other again. She wasn't about to go to the caravan this week until she was better.

Last night's dinner was a hit here. The mistress put a stew on with red wine. His Lordship had a bottle and neither drank it, so she poured it into the crockpot. Not the whole bottle though. He even got a plateful for tonight's dinner. 

There was no sign of the mistress when her fella got up today. He let her sleep. I reckon she will keep him on. She says he is so happy to do some chores and meal preparation etc. Makes cups of tea and fusses over her. Could this be LOVE!!!!

Saturday, August 26, 2023


Crickey we were not informed as to when the mistress would be home. So, Trixie and I sat in her chair, but oh heck it rocks, giving us an awful fright. Once we got over the shock, it was really quite soothing rocking there together. We read that book again that the ponytail fella gave her. Oh, so comfy, to sit and read together. We really do make a good pair. The mistress arrived home finding us in her chair, but "hey" she had a huge smile on her face to see us here and never growled. 

She is still coughing and was very peaceful to not hear this while she was away. We really do wonder when this will stop, but I guess she wonders too. I reckon it is well past 2 weeks since it arrived. 

The mistress has YouTube music going on the TV. A great thing to do on a lazy Sunday when it is too cold to go outside. I must say, it is very relaxing. Trixie is enjoying it too. 

Her fella is coming up today, and as I say this he has just come in the door.

Thought for the day.

Family isn't always blood.

It's the people in your life who

want you in theirs.

The ones who accept YOU for who 

you are.

The ones who would do anything,

to see you smile and who,


no matter what.,


Friday, August 25, 2023


The mistress forecast is still gale force winds, in this unit of hers. Her coughing continues at a rapid rate at times, almost blowing us over. It is a long way for us to go to the floor if she continues to keep this up. All can be extremely quiet then. our peace is shattered. When she went to bed last night, we thought she would never stop coughing.  

Now we almost got caught out in the middle of the night. The mistress couldn't sleep, so came out and made a cup of tea. Some of us were caught out and didn't back to our bases. We don't think she noticed this whoopsie of ours. I hid under the table as it took me a while to climb onto my shelf. Phe the sweat was pouring out of me.

We had some time to ourselves when she went out today. Catching up with some fellas outside was fun, but they were moaning that the pool had no water on it. Their stupid Gnome brains wouldn't understand that the mistress is waiting until the weather warms up. Spring is coming she says. 

Loverboy has just called, OMG, the way these 2 carry on. It appears the mistress is going south tomorrow. It sounds like they are going somewhere tomorrow night. Oh well, we might get some peace from the gales that go on around here. 

Thought for the day.

When you get home after a hard day,

Visualize all your problems on your clothes.

When you get changed, 

Throw the problems in the washing basket along,

with the clothing.

Let it all go. 

By Kelvin Cruickshank.

Thursday, August 24, 2023


 The life of a human rather tickles me at times, and I know her throat is still tickling her too. A great outburst of a raging breeze then it's all over. I must admit we are not hearing this nearly as often thank goodness. Last night all was quiet for the night, so it sounded as though she rested well, which was good because this meant we could get on with our Gnome stuff, which I am not about to divulge here as this is Gnome business only. 

The mistress actually got up and dressed today, so must have felt slightly better. The sun was out and so this meant the washing too. Crickey from what I could see the clothesline was full. She was far from impressed when the sun disappeared and was never seen again today. Seeing her sitting in the sun while it lasted was a joy.

Some news to report on her happiness today. She has the book cover completed and tears of joy when she saw it on the computer. Then this afternoon a friend of a friend she says put the mistress onto an editor. Jeepers I hope this lady knows what she is in for! Amazing coincidences she says. The lady is into Gnomes too and took one traveling with her overseas. The mistress is gobsmacked, at this news. Everything happens for a reason she says.

It's like visualizing a car park, and right in front, there is one waiting to be filled. I guess when you get to her age, she has all this stuff sorted out. I have learned many lessons she announces. No doubt she admits that there are many more lessons to learn. More for me too I say. It will help me to understand this human more. I could give these tips to my mates, I reckon. 

Arrrh she has been talking to her fella tonight on that phone of hers. I feel she will wear this phone out soon. Jeepers they are missing each other. Crickey only went home yesterday and sees him on the phone daily by video. 

Now the mistress has just informed me that if Trixie went away for a while, I would miss her too. I haven't really had this happen yet, but I guess there is always a first time. I shall have to think about this. I guess we have got to know each other a lot over time, and the mistress made room on the shelf here for her to sit beside me. Sometimes she ticks me off too, and this makes me think more about females of the gnome and human species. They are sure wired differently to us blokes. Hmm !

Thought for the day.

Some people could be given an entire field of roses,

and only see the thorns in it.

Others could be given a single weed and only see 

the wildflower in it. 

Perception is a key component of gratitude.

Gratitude is a key component of JOY.

(with thanks from someone on Facebook, name unknown).

Wednesday, August 23, 2023


This coughing drama continues around here. Gale force winds upon each outburst really disturb the peace. Concentration for a mere Gnome is pure luxury. I guess I have 2 it or lump it!!!

These humans were up earlier than normal, and Loverboy was gone by 6 30am. The birds were hardly up, and the neighborhood was so quiet as surely this was the middle of the night. He had the chooks to tend to as the lady on the farm, had injured her back. Bending to collect the eggs from the floor would be a mission. He is such a kind chap and worries about her and wanted to help. The new owner is almost ready to take over now, and she is counting down the days.

Today the mistress went back to bed and remained there all day. We, Gnomes keep an eye on her and make sure she continues to breathe. Last night we wondered whether she would ever breathe again after each coughing outburst. Thankfully through the day, there has been less, so maybe the antibiotics are working. 

Thought for the day.

Quiet that voice of doubt inside of you.

You are good enough.

You do deserve good things.

You are smart enough.

You are worthy of Love and Respect.

You are amazing just the way you are.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023


Crickey that mistress could break windows with the force of her coughing fits. They do just go on and on. She nearly changed color this morning. I wonder what would have happened if she did change??? Now that could have got very interesting for her man to deal with. I did see him get her a glass of water and kept an eye on her. The Dr gave her some pills but doubts they will work as it's a virus and we will probably have to listen to this for at least 3 weeks. Charming I say. What about my ears. It is ok for her fella though he goes back home tomorrow. Hmmmm.

I must say that overnight we have to be careful here because these humans are always getting up, making us nervous as to whether they will come to the lounge area. We are normally just sitting around and chatting, and I am not about to tell you what we talk about either. This is Gnome business only. 

News flash.....they came home with an addition to the Gnome family. A very old Gnome too I hear. Needs a paint job she says. There are so many out in the garage needing paint, and I wonder when the mistress will get around to it. I doubt I would be capable of handling a paintbrush or could I be trusted with one. The mind boggles. 😂

Thought for the day.



Look for Joy,

Work some,

Play some,

Practice Gratitude

Be kind,



Choose your words,


They can echo for many years. 

Sunday, August 20, 2023


The 2 humans haven't moved far today. That mistress is still coughing, and her head is spinning she says. His lordship has started the sniffles again and blamed my mistress for the bugs that he gave to her. I heard her say she has a doctor, appointment tomorrow.  Crickey, I don't often hear this news. 

Now today there is some other news to report. An illustrator is now working on a book cover. The mistress is mighty pleased, I might add. And due to other editors not replying to her requests, she has now approached others. So now she is waiting for the stars to align and bingo we are in business. 

His lordship has looked after the mistress today. She reckons he has to earn his keep. I reckon he likes fussing over her. There haven't been many fellas who have made a fuss before. So, she thinks he is worth keeping. Pity help, him if he steps out of line I say. 

Hey, he even took her breakfast in bed. She could make a habit of this if he is not careful!!

The other thing I have seen and taken a lot of notice of is his willingness to do his own laundry washing. This really has impressed her to no end. Sounds like he has had to do his own washing for a while. 

Thought for the day.

You don't need to be educated to be successful,

you just need to follow your dreams.


Be true to yourself and trust your instincts as 

to what makes your heart sing.

Always follow your inner passions.

Saturday, August 19, 2023


I just couldn't manage to do a blog yesterday. I was really worried about my mistress. She stayed in bed all day, so I kept an eye on her from a distance as she got her bugs from lover boy, and I certainly don't want or require them. Her coughing is outrageous, and very hard to listen to. A mere Gnome isn't accustomed to such noise. It disturbs the peace around here. Although when she went to sleep at times it was very quiet.

Today she is up and about, doing chores, and baking muffins, obviously lover boy is coming!! She is still coughing and disturbing the peace, around here, but at least she is on her feet.

So, he has arrived loves the muffins, and they are now very happy he is here. Isn't love grand, they hold hands while sitting in their chairs. Now you don't see Trixie and me doing this kind of behavior. Us Gnomes don't ever do anything when there is a human about. We just sit and observe, and watch what they do to the environment. My mates outside, well they have special ways of making sure the mistress puts the right things in each of the colored bins. 

While staying in the caravan, we saw lots of problems with his rubbish. The mistress had mentioned this issue, but it's his place and she won't mention it again. 

The mistress laughed this morning when she was on the computer, a brand-new EV was squashed by a tree. So much for the environment! Now her son has just bought an EV Hyundai Kona Sport. Now he is looking after the environment. She says he recycles too, especially bottles. So, I am very pleased to hear this knowledge. 

Thought for the day.

Indecisiveness will get you nowhere.

Don't be afraid to make a decision and stand, 

by your choice-after all, you are doing what you,

feel is right at this time.

Who can ask for more than that?


You are on this earth to experience as much,

as possible.

Saviour the good times, but don't dwell,

on the bad - life is short, so make the most,

of every moment.

Friday, August 18, 2023


What a night for the mistress. She coughed and coughed and decided to come home a day earlier. A very white frost greeted us when the blinds were opened. She waited for the frost to disappear from the car and drive home in the sun. Her fella was off collecting eggs from the chooks, and she had packed up and he joined her for morning tea. 

She has learned how to use the cruise mode in the car from her fella and is slowly getting used to it. She reckons she could have used it while we were away if she knew how. 

Upon arriving home, the mistress sat in her chair in the sun then when it moved, she followed it to her bedroom. Mr. Rainbow Gnome can see that her special bed is raised in her Zero gravity mode. She really enjoys this position for relaxing. He is also watching this coughing business, but what could he do about it anyway. 

It appears she eventually nodded off, which is just what she needed. Her fella has phoned several times to check on her, Crickey, you should hear them. Mushy mushy.

Thought for the day.

Dreams are a dress rehearsal for life,

where your spirit or inner self shows you

what's really going on.

If you had a dream about running away from

something negative and weren't aware

of the dreams play, you'd just think you had a crazy dream.

But if you are aware of their importance,

you can decide to take control of that dream- ask

yourself what it means, and stand up and face

your fears. It signifies you are probably running 

from something in reality, and standing up to it

can change your whole life.

Thursday, August 17, 2023



Have now read the blog.

The mistress and I are mighty pleased about this tonight. This is so amazing the mistress announces. Her fella is mighty proud of us too.

The mistress says that I must thank everyone. 

Thank you, everyone.

We are very grateful to our readers. 

They went out this afternoon. So, Trixie and I had a good old read and a laugh with that new book that ponytail fella gave her. It has really funny stories in it. We sat here in the sun having a great old time. 

These 2 humans are still coughing and spluttering. The mistress went back to bed after breakfast. She wasn't looking, that flash, and never heard her phone beside her ping. 

A dog called Sparkie lives here, and he came to the door at lunchtime. It was very hot in the caravan and the door was open, so he sat on the mat and watched these humans eat their lunch. The mistress tossed small bits of cheese to him. From what I know, this cheese can have side effects, so he only got a couple of little, tiny bits. He enjoyed watching these humans and looked very happy. 

We watched him from the window outside this afternoon, and he runs around the grass and follows his owner everywhere. Also, there are swallows that perch on the clothesline just out our window. They are very interesting characters to observe and don't sit still for long. We watch them in the trees too. They sure make the branches shake at times. 

Now the past few days we have had very heavy frosts, but we are all nice and cozy in the caravan. Her fella has a great heater, and really looks after his lady love. 

Thought for the day

We all need good friends,

so be grateful for the ones who have,

ended up walking with you through this life.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023


Loverboy left early this morning and had jobs to do at home and of course golf this afternoon. The mistress fell asleep in her chair after he left. Somehow, I don't think she is that well. She is coughing a bit at times too.

We watched the mistress bake some muffins this morning. She was gathering things up to take south today. Trixie and I wondered if we were allowed to go too. Eventually, she plonked us in a bag and off to the car. 

Oh My Goodness we heard a rumbling noise then a very loud hail hitting the ground. (1 15pm) We were tucked in the boot, and nice and warm and not so deafening. The mistress told us the ground was white. Her friend over at Addington Way didn't get any until 5.45. Weird she says. Humans and the weather are very weird, and Trixie says Nuts. 

The mistress felt more unwell this afternoon. It appears she wants to sneeze and can't. She wonders why her fella can very easily and makes a racket while he is at it. 

We get to Tinwald and it is bone dry here, but extremely cold. Her fella decided not to play golf today, along with some other fellas. The jobs he was to do didn't happen either. Sounds like the mistress had been in his ear and told him he was stupid. Must be LOVE I say.

Thought for the day.

Be the best version of yourself.

In your lifetime you will make many mistakes,

but don't let this stop you from always trying to better yourself.

Imagine how great the world would be 

if we all did that.


Worrying about things you can't change,

solves nothing.

You can only control your own actions,

so, concentrate on that instead of what you cannot change. 


The mistress announces that it was payday for all their hard work this past fortnight. She has a shopping list on the fridge for when supplies are low and gathers it up ready for going out. Of course, no indication as to how long they will be away. 

Both these 2 love birds are coughing and spluttering all night and most of today. That fella of hers, well you need to see him when he sneezes. Doubles and trebles. That mistress has put a bag by his chair for tissues as its constant. He is determined to play golf tomorrow and the mistress reckons he is asking for trouble. 

It appears he is blaming the lovely lady on the poultry farm for spreading her bugs to him and now he is sharing them with his lady love. She is not impressed. She says there are some things you share and some things you don't. It appears chocolate is the only thing that is good for sharing, but if nobody is looking then don't share. 

The mistress knows a mother and son down south who share their chocolate too. They always send messages to me a mere Gnome saying what a good writer I am. This is very kind of them. The mistress is very proud of my writing. 

Now while they were out today, we found this book that the mistress was given on Saturday from that ponytail fella. 

Just look at these 2 gentlemen. The mistress just loves their faces. 

Trixie and I are really enjoying this book too. The Characters. are cute just like me.......😂😂
The mistress is happy for us to read this book and doesn't mind at all that we want to read it. 
Crickey this fella continues to sneeze around here. We feel the breeze from our positions. 
We haven't heard the mistress sneeze yet, but her nose is running at times. They were supposed to go and see friends in a rest home today, but canceled as didn't want them to get their bugs.

Thought for the day.

True friends are one of life's greatest blessings.
Appreciate those who are always there for you even when times are tough and be sure to do the same in return.
We usually know when we've done wrong, don't we?
If we are honest about how we feel and about our relationships, 
I think we know whether there is anything we need to be forgiven for.
It's a matter for our soul: I think of our soul as being our intuitive sense of right and wrong.

Monday, August 14, 2023


The mistress made the most of the sunshine today and finally washed her car. She had been trying for a while to wash it, but the weather was never right, so this morning the hose came out with a bucket of hot water. Her fella decided to assist with the hose and tried not to get himself wet. 

The final result is just perfect. Nice and shiny and sparkling clean. She wanted her fella to do his car too, but nope not today. Maybe the dust and dirt are holding his vehicle together. Jeepers I better stay out of his way, or he could get one back at me for being so cheeky. 

These 2 love birds went out this afternoon, and as usual no time for coming back, and gee whizz the garage door went up a couple of hours later and then a very quick scramble back to our places.

Thought for the day.

Health does not always come from medicine.

Most of the time it comes from peace of mind,

peace of heart, peace in the soul.

It comes from laughter and LOVE.


When you love what you have,

you have everything you need.


May you breathe in peace,

Walk in peace,

Live in peace every day.


Sunday, August 13, 2023


 We got together overnight to discuss life's woes. This human species is so complicated. Most of these blokes here, couldn't give a toss, but I say if we live here then we need to understand them. 

The mistress went out this morning, so we carried on with this discussion. It was decided that no point in stressing, and just continue doing our Gnome stuff and keeping things simple. I hear the mistress at times talking to her friends saying the same things. So, we can learn these tips too. I reckon she is a wise woman. 

I have just heard these two talking about buying a lotto ticket this week. It's $37m. I guess if you are not in then you can't win. It is a lot of money too much they say. They would be happy if 37 people won $1m each. This would help so many families. So, watch this space. I wonder what they would do with the winnings. My guess is more Gnomes to her extensive collection. 

The mistress has been reading a gnome book she was given from that ponytail fella yesterday. She is finding it rather amusing and even took it to bed to read last night. It is obvious her fella wasn't here as he might not have been happy about this. 

Thought for the day.

I hope that when you look back on your life,

you have empathy for the well-intentioned version,

of yourself that didn't always get it right.

I hope you gave yourself credit for trying, and for 

showing up, even when things didn't go as planned.

I hope that as you continue to learn and grow,

you also continue to find deeper levels of self

acceptance and self-understanding.

I hope you keep the lessons you learned, but leave

the guilt.

Saturday, August 12, 2023


The mistress had some interesting visitors today. They all came to see our Gnome collection. The fella was so cute. He had a long ponytail. If he came much closer to me, I would have pulled his tail. He did hold me in his hand, but I couldn't quite reach around to his back. I hear he is a gnomologist too. He had a lot of stories and caused lots of laughter, with his 2 friends and the mistress. 

They all liked the blokes in our bathroom. That fella still hasn't found his clothes in there either. It must get mighty cold when the mistress is away and no heat pump on. As the mistress say's, this is his problem.

This fella has been to all sorts of crazy places and has some gnomes signed by very well-known and famous people. He even gave the mistress a book which she is very excited about. Sounds to me that they may have some very grand ideas in the coming years. The Mistress wouldn't discuss with me. Now this is rather annoying. I tried hard too but she wasn't budging. Oh, she is SO MEAN. 

Also, today she has re-boiled the marmalade she made a few days ago. It didn't set and she was far from happy about this. She says it's a winner today. I can see it cooling down on the bench. 

Her fella phoned a couple of times tonight. Arrrh what a carry-on these two do. It appears they miss each other. Duh. They saw each other yesterday and he comes up tomorrow, so what's the problem. 

It appears the new washing machine is under control now. Leave it to the woman she says. Her fella had it on a long and very long wash and a shorter time means the day hasn't gone before it's all processed.

He told her tonight that he will be up later tomorrow as he is sawing down trees. Now from what I hear he can't be trusted with a chainsaw. The mistress won't tell me why and says it's best if I don't know. Surely, I can be the judge of this situation. Nope her lips are sealed.

Thought for the day.

There are people who come into your life,

that love you for simply being you.

These people believe in you so much, 

you start to believe in yourself too.

Some angels don't have wings, but you just,

feel their presence.

It's like they radiated their light to remove,

the clouds to expose the sun in your life.

You know these people are sent to you to,

help light your way through the darkness.

Thursday, August 10, 2023



The mistress wasn't at all keen on having a shower this morning. It's freezing she says and is not used to such a cold bathroom out in the garage. At home, she has all the home comforts and says she is too old now for roughing it. As we were returning home today, she would wait until later. I don't blame her as was so cold this morning, her fella put the heater on in the caravan in the middle of the night. He looks after her you know. I watch him at times and does make a fuss. I think it is called LOVE!! Do you know what else he does? 

All the plastic containers that had muffins and other stuff in them, well he sends them home with her. What a cheek I reckon. Not enough room in the caravan he says. But he does make room for muffins!! 

I could get into trouble with him, for giving away his secrets. I better be on my best behavior when he is around, or he may not let us come down again. Jeepers I haven't seen him growl yet, and probably best not to either. 

Now she has been out with that new washing machine and is not impressed that it takes so long for each load. She is getting a bit grumpy about it. I think we will stay out of her way. 

The house will be quiet tonight as the mistress has a meeting to go to. I think she is going on a committee as it's the AGM. So, I wonder what we could all do tonight. We will have to think about this for a while, and there is no indication as to how long she will be either, which poses another problem.  

Whatever we do can't involve alcohol or mess. Maybe now that the house is warm, we will chat about this human species. They are all so complicated and almost too much for a mere Gnome. 

Thought for the day.

GOOD things,

come to those who believe,

BETTER things,

come to those who are patient,

and the 

BEST things come to those who,

don't give up.


Behind you, all your memories,

Before you, all your dreams,

Around you, all who love you,

Within you, all you need.


Trixie and I have had a nice relaxing day down here. 

We kept an eye on this place while these humans went out. The dog is loose and seems to enjoy doing his own thing. We watched him play with the mistress over at the shed. He seems to make her laugh at times and doesn't always allow her to have his ball. It appears he puts up a fight, so she doesn't get it. When she does, she throws it for him to chase after it. The mistress told us she had his ball wedged between her feet and he couldn't get it. he waits and waits because he thinks she will tire of this game. He looks very patient to me.

The mistress was on the egg sorter today, while her fella places them onto trays. She says some of them are yukky and have to be cleaned, and some are so thin and look like tissue paper, and an interesting mess when you put your thumb through them!!

There is a big bucket on the floor and the real broken ones get biffed in there. Goodness me, she says they dig a hole and bury them. A fella at home has a spade and shovel, so I wonder if they need a hand to dig a hole

Now tonight this fella here, went for a shower and shaved in there at the same time. He comes back to the caravan with blood coming from his lip, and it won't stop bleeding. The mistress is growling because he won't leave it alone. Men she says!

It appears we are going home tomorrow. The mistress forgot that there was an AGM meeting to go to. I reckon she is losing the plot because her memory isn't at all flash at times. Even her fella has to remind her. But then she reminds him at times too. We feel there is no hope for these two and their memories.

Thought for the day.


of opening someone's head.

When we pass that kindness forward

to open someone else's heart.

When the hearts of humanity come

together in kindness we begin the 

journey of the awakening we 


Wednesday, August 9, 2023


Another busy day here. These 2 love birds were up early today, golf day, and chores to do. Trixie and I got wrapped up and shoved in a bag early this morning. Gosh, the mistress has finally learned to take us with her. We had to stay the whole day in her bag as she was on Patrol today then travel south. I better not moan at that inconvenience, or she could just keep us outside at home then we would miss all sorts of things. So, my lips are sealed and don't you dare tell her either!! 

Eventually, we could breathe better and see some daylight despite the rain that started as soon as we arrived. We now have a prime position on a table and won't miss anything that goes on here. 

Now the fella is home from golf and says he's frozen. For goodness' sake, what else can you expect when it's raining. It doesn't take a dictionary to work that out. 

We are watching this fella cook, he didn't even know that you keep the vegetables in the bottom of the fridge. The mistress is having a great time wondering what he is ON. I can see some bubbles in his glass. I doubt we will ever get into alcohol again, and best for humans to muck up their stupid brains. We are sure that we will never touch the stuff again as we want to stay inside in the warm, and the cool in the summer.

Thought for the day.

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset.

When you wake up, take a second to think about what 

a privilege it is to simply be alive and healthy.

The moment you start acting like life is a blessing. 

I assure you it will start to feel like the time spent appreciating, 

is time worth living.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023


Crickey what a carry-on here yesterday. For several days the Mistress felt that the washing machine would die. Now she used the word "felt", so I have had to look this up in my dictionary. Oh heck, it says a "feeling". She is always saying these words around here. 

When I talk to her about it, she says it's an inner knowing of the soul. HUHH.  The spiritual side of a human. Oh boy oh boy. Now what does spiritual mean? An inner knowing, my senses. Oh, why is this so complicated. It's just another thing I really do not understand. She has just said it is because I am a Gnome. Humans, I really doubt I will ever understand them. 

It appears her fella is on the same track as her with these feelings. Now he came in handy yesterday she says. They went shopping for a washing machine and returned to pick up his vehicle. It appears her swift sports were too small for this big thing. 

What a performance they went through getting it installed. I noted they did well to work as a team. Hey, guess what else happened here today. He did a load of washing then hung it out. The mistress was most impressed as she was busy making marmalade and waiting for it to boil before she could put the sugar in the pot. 

He even put the old washing machine in his vehicle and is taking it to the recycling place. Gee, he is a good lad caring for our environment. I reckon we will keep him on around here. The environment is so important to us Gnomes. Most of us live outside and are in touch with mother earth. We must look after the earth as some humans are destroying it. The fellas outside often say they can smell pollution. 

We often talk about how to educate humans, and some are just not listening. I guess we will have to try harder to get them to listen. The mistress has taught her fella to recycle here, as these are her rules when people stay. He has had to learn the colored bins and what goes where. Anything to keep the mistress happy he says.!!

 Thought for the day.

One of the most empowering things we can do,

is not allowing ourselves to be affected, controlled or

manipulated by what other people think of us.

As long as we are concerned what other people think,

we're giving our personal power and energy away.

Just remember this is your journey to learn, live and love.

Sunday, August 6, 2023


The mistress is settling down here. She went out this morning and then guess who turned up this afternoon.?

She treated him to a roast pork dinner tonight complete with Apple crumble for pudding. I haven't seen her do a roast for yonks. A special treat she says. A way to a man's heart is through his tummy. He even called her the chef before they ate. She reckons a nice wine was in order tonight. I saw them crash their glasses together too. "To us she says". What on earth for I say. I have never heard such rubbish. You don't see Gnomes carry on like this!!!

A fella phoned up this morning wanting a female gnome. He is not having my Trixie. I will put up a fight to keep her I say. The mistress looked outside and there are 2 topless women out at the pool. She would rather keep these as there is a story about them. There is a lady on the TV cabinet she feels is the right one for them. 

This fella seems to be pretty happy about the Mistress collection. She appears to have lots of ideas and contacts and will catch up with her one day.

Thought for the day.

When I woke up this morning, I asked myself,

"What, is life all about?"

I found the answers in my room.

The FAN said, "Be cool."

The ROOF said, "Aim high".

The WINDOW said, "See the world."

The CLOCK said, "Every minute is precious."

The MIRROR said, "Reflect before you act.

The CALANDER said, "Be up to date.

The DOOR said, "Push hard for your goals."

The FLOOR said,"Kneel down and pray and be thankful,

for what you have.


Saturday, August 5, 2023


 Oh, dear me. we are in deep trouble here and the fella outside with a spade needs to dig us out of this hole we are in here. I guess we have nobody else to blame but ourselves. We tried to come up with a plan overnight, but nothing sounded right for our dear mistress. 

It has been fairly quiet here today. The vacuum cleaner came out and made a Hurr of noise. The mistress wasn't at all worried as to how I felt. She has been busy again on the computer and smiles when she reads the statistics as to how many are reading the blog. Today the numbers are rapid and will pass 9555 by the end of the day she reckons. 

Her poor daughter has had to sort out some computer problems again. The mistress doesn't cope well when she can't access certain places making her a bit grumpier. 

I reckon she needs to keep checking the statistics and they will keep her happy. 

The mistress emptied the pool today and turned it over to stop the rain from filling it. She announces it's not good for those fellas to stand or swim in the winter.

Oh, heck lover boy phoned tonight. You should have heard them. Us, Gnomes don't carry on like this. Cor blimey humans keep us entertained that is for sure. I hear he is coming back up tomorrow. Am sure there will be a whole heap more to write about tomorrow. 

Thought for the day.


I will not rescue you.

For you are not powerless.

I will not for you

For you are not broken

I will not heal you. 

For I see you in your wholeness.

I will walk with you through the darkness. 

as you remember your light.

Friday, August 4, 2023


Oh, oh, the garage door is going up. I just cannot get up. I look around and my mates are out to it. They don't look like moving anytime soon either.

The mistress flies in the door, oh heck we are in deep trouble. I am really struggling here to lift my head. She looks far from impressed. Then she raises her voice a bit too loudly. We all say at once that we are very sorry mistress. We didn't know when you were coming home and would have had all these things put away had we known. Oh, dear, she asked why we needed to know as it's her house she shares with us.

Why is there fruit on the floor? Did you ask if you could have alcohol?

Just get up and clear this awful mess. I am going to lock away all alcohol in the future. Since when do you fellas contribute to the household income? You all need a job and earn your own keep. She announced she is on a pension and doesn't go far enough as it is. Just get out of my hair immediately.

Oh dear she's not happy, so we will have to think of a way to get around her or we will be out in the cold frost. We will have a meeting when she is asleep and come up with a plan. I think it better be a good one. 

Now she still hasn't said where she has been, but the mood she is in I don't think we will ask either. We can only imagine she's been down with lover boy. 

Thought for the day.

Everyone has a story.

Everyone has been through something 

that has changed them.

So never judge a person 

by the chapter, you walked in on.

Thursday, August 3, 2023


What a blast we are having here. No sign of the mistress, so we are making the most of her absence. These fellas here are so funny when they are completely sloshed. The beer and wine we found are fairly strong and they act differently once they take a few mouthfuls. Hi jinks galore here. Just as well she doesn't see what we get up to. Trixie is not impressed, females.......Oh heck!!!!

One chap climbed up to the bench and had a skate as it's so slippery and shiny while trying to walk. He got into the oranges and apples and started chucking them around to us on the floor. Such fun and laughter. Getting out of control at times and smashing into the ranch slider. Crickey, we don't want to break the glass, or we could be in real trouble. 

Trixie just told me that the mistress could put all of us outside. Now this could be a real issue. It is freezing out there. Mmmm,  I think we better behave. We would miss out on so much if this happened. 

I guess we better start cleaning up our mess because she could be home anytime now. Will it be tonight? who knows. 

Thought for the day.

Everything happens for a reason.

That reason causes change.

Sometimes it hurts.

Sometimes hard.

But in the end, it's all for the best.

Never stop trusting God and believing his plan. 


Tuesday, August 1, 2023


These 2 humans were up early today. Her fella had to return home again for the chooks, and golf day. Now I saw the mistress nod off in her chair after he left. She says she is not usually up at this ridiculous time. Ah well, she looked comfortable from my observation point. 

She fluffed around for the rest of the morning and guess what? She has gone again without me. My rainbow man friend has just announced she left with a huge bag in her hand. How dare she do this. I was going to take Trixie with me next time and she has missed out too. 

Now I will just have to think of something we can do in her absence. At least we know she must be away tonight, but how many nights is a mystery. I think we have had enough of this dictionary for a while. This business of looking up the meaning and then not understanding them too is a real pain in the butt!!. This is making us get bored very quickly, and we can't possibly do this. We shall create our own fun and deal with the mistress later. Oh, heck, please don't tell her though. I could get my marching orders. 

Thought for the day.

One of the most empowering things we can do, is not allow

ourselves to be affected, controlled or manipulated by what other

people think of us. 

As long as we're concerned what other people think, we are

giving away our personal power and energy away.

Just remember this is your journey to learn, live and love.


Do you know what, it's an education around here? Watching these 2 go about their day is quite amusing. Their cheek to each other is rather entertaining at times. There is always lots of laughter and fun. Trixie tells me this is a good sign. Why I ask? Well, it means they seem to be well suited she reckons. So how come she knows this stuff. The fella on the top shelf reckons it's because she is female. But I say we are all the same. Oh no, you are not. Apparently, it's because they are wired differently. 

They went out again this afternoon, which means we could gather again with this giant dictionary. Every word we looked at led to more words to check out. Trixie got a headache and pulled out of this discussion. Females, what next. Us, blokes don't get headaches. Even when we get tanked up on alcohol, we don't get headaches. This dictionary says humans can suffer from overindulgence. 

That wheelbarrow fella had all the ping pong balls out over by the door. Those seesaw fellas joined him and made quite a racket. Luckily, they gathered up the balls before these humans came home.

I overheard a conversation while the mistress was on the phone today and from what I can hear they are a little further along in this book business she is undertaking. 

Something really strange happened here at the human mealtime. These 2 were chewing on bones. How ridiculous, I have never seen such a sight. They seemed to enjoy these very meaty bacon bones. 

Thought for the day ahead.

Come clean about any secrets you have-

You might be surprised by the weight that, 

lifts from your shoulders, and how your relationships

are strengthened as a result.

In a healthy life, there is no space for secrets and 

unfinished business.

22/7/24 News Flash Well, we have some exciting news to share with you all. We are temporarily taking a break as our house is sold.  We will ...