Well, here I am again. The mistress has been messing around that jolly camera and computer again. She said a small swear word while trying to put these pictures on here. She said she's still learning.
This picture on the left is me sitting in between her CDs. From this position I can see very clearly over her shoulder and see what she's up to.
I watch her in the kitchen too. This is a small place you know and no room to swing the cat around by his tail, so I read for many hours. She calls him Milo, how crazy is that. Shes the weirdo around here.
The one below, are me mates above me on the top shelf. Sometimes they chuck things on my head and wake me up. Do you know she has a foster cat here and boy oh boy we watch him through the night getting up to all sorts of mischief. He tosses ping pong balls around the place and in the morning the mistress wonders how they got in funny places like his food bowl. The stupid cat sleeps all day and plays all night keeping her awake from the high jinks he gets up to. I don't think he even knows we are up on the shelf and watching him. I know I could chuck a CD down on him and see what happens. Hehehe๐๐
I will let you know. This god dammed holiday is looming fast. Shes even got a list of what to take and says I will have my very own bag with only MY stuff in it. I hope it's a big bag cos I want to take some extra books. I'll hide them in there, so she won't see them. Us gnomes read a lot on our holidays and non-holidays. I wonder if I need to pack my togs too, and some chocolate fish she promised me I could have, as I missed out on a bite of hers recently. I won't share them with her either.