Tuesday, March 26, 2024


 My human companions went out shopping and returned after a long time. They seemed to have bought a lot of groceries from the supermarket, even though they had planned to keep their stocks low this time. However, they did not forget to buy some essential items like Wine and chocolate. Now, I need to start running!!

Last night we explored the garage again as we enjoyed hiding from each other last time. Some things had been moved and easier to get to. Jumping from one to the other was such fun and some empty ones were great fun. Trixie was hidden in an empty one with the flaps back over her and as I jumped, I landed on top of her, and she wasn't impressed at all. 


I am not sure where to complain, because last night I tried to get this blog done when all a sudden the battery died. Things here are not the way they used to be. If I complain then I could lose my privileges around here. When I talked to Trixie about this problem, she suggested that I say nothing. She reckons sometimes it is best to leave things be. I am to learn patience. Oh, I am not at all good with this topic. She also says, like it, or lump it, is what the Mistress would say. Yes, she is correct I have heard her say this numerous times. Why are females always right?

Oh well, we went back to the garage for more fun while the humans slept. The Mistress has a couple of dresses drying on hangers, and Moonshine thought he could swing from them onto a box. Now he doesn't like to put his book down while doing this. So, you can imagine the Kaos that developed. More jokes and laughter. The reason he doesn't put the book away, because he does not want me reading it. I have news for him, and it is all bad.

The Pole dancer lady thought she would swing from a broom, but this didn't end well at all. She limped her way back to the shelf and we didn't see her again. Somehow, I doubt she will do this again. 

We all got a fright when the Mistress started coughing and couldn't stop. Not being able to race back to our places because by this time she was up, and we didn't want to get caught. Staying put was the best idea, as she eventually settled back to her bed. Phew!! 

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