Monday, February 5, 2024


Another night outside for me. That Mistress had no intention of taking me back inside last night. Either that or she forgot. These humans are getting old around here and often forget things. 

The Mistress was out in the front garden this morning taking dead flowers off the climbing rose. It was about time too as they were in a shocking condition. Those mates out there were complaining about the state of them. His Lordship came out to keep an eye on her from time to time, and she rested on a chair out there at times. She had him moving big pots too. They are not doing well out there and she's going to change things around.

They came home after a short time out with a huge box of bananas. These humans like bananas but this was ridiculous. Due to her kindness, she gave some to the neighbors. His Lordship wondered what she would do with the rest when she got out of her recipe book.

Fifteen bananas went into a huge bowl and His Lordship was summoned to the kitchen to mash them. He did a great job too. He sits down and leaves the rest to her. Then the smells waft out the door. This new bloke seems to lie around a lot out here and he wondered what was going on in that kitchen. I had to explain that the Mistress is often cooking up a storm because she knows His Lordship will assist her if necessary. He seems to like her cooking and baking, and he is pretty good at it too, especially if she isn't so well. I haven't seen him baking yet, so who knows he may give it a crack too.

Another thing he is a dab hand at is folding the washing. He plonked the basket in front of her and she so politely suggested he do the honors!!! The cheek of her.....she announces that he ate 3 fresh muffins and has to earn his keep. 

I am still at a loss as to what these new blokes read. They seem to talk a lot and not much reading, but they are still settling and getting to know the place. We talked a lot about humans, and at night I took them around the other 399 fellows to meet them. They appear to be thrilled that they have arrived here. They didn't know that this is everyday life and they assured me they would really enjoy learning about life at this house. 


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