There have been some strange noises happening around here the past two days. It took so long to figure this out. I noted The Mistress looking up outside, and then she went out in the car. So, it was time to investigate this noise. Some of us here, inside stumbled out the door all at once, and this caused absolute mayhem. We waited around and eventually, we looked up and there were 2 small planes going backwards, and forwards over our house. We lost count as to how many times they did this. When the Mistress came home, I asked her what is going on? It appears that the Port Hills are on fire and these planes are helping to put the fire out. Phew, I thought they could drop a bomb, so we didn't hang around for long out there in case they did.
Thank goodness the Mistress put us right. It must be a huge fire, and yes, the Mistress agreed. Everyone is worried about it as it's close to houses, and people have left their homes and staying elsewhere.
I heard the Mistress talking about having her independence back and is allowed to drive the car again. It sounds like she is really enjoying this and went window shopping down at the Hornby Mall, as this gave her a good walk in the cool air conditioning. She met a friend down there too so a good excuse to stop and have a cupper together.
I also heard that she intends to go to Croquet on Saturday. Gosh, things are getting back to normal again. It is months since she played. I wonder if she remembers how to play!! Gee, I better start running, as that was rather cheeky of me!
Last night we went back out to the garage and gathered up all the ping pong balls when the Mistress was asleep. We had a play first and the chaps standing on spades used them to make the balls go further. Ahh heck, there are some we couldn't find, and now the Mistress is asking where they are? The wheelbarrow is looking rather empty. Nobody is owning up to this.
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