Tonight, I am a bit grumpy. You see I have not been allowed on this computer and this makes me very grumpy. She is mean you know that Mistress. Everything is on her terms.
My mates and I have kept an eye on the progress of the workman in the Common area. They took that digger away, laid the fake grass. There was a lot of banging going on nailing the grass to the timber. It went on for ages giving me a headache. We really wanted to check out that digger again. The tools they used were useless for us as the dirt had been covered up. Instead, we raced round and round the trees, and playing tag. Those men today I understand have made a ramp for the oldies with mobility issues to get down onto the grass area. It's quite wide too, so plenty of room for walkers or sticks. I guess this means the Mistress as she is far from stable on her feet.
She went out this morning and was away all morning. I kept an eye on his Lordship. He is still in pain and cannot get comfortable. Sometimes he is wrestles and other times he nods off laying on the bed. It is about the only place he can get comfortable. The Mistress noted he only had not walked down the drive today, so she shunted him out the door and on his way.
It appears at this appointment today she is not having surgery as she is a high-risk, whatever that means. They want to see if this foot heals on its own, and if not then they can operate in a few months.
Looks like Christmas is coming, as a friend popped in this afternoon for a piece of cake. They always enjoy a chatty catch up. Then later she turned the living area upside down, as they had visitors bringing dinner over, and needed to re arrange the table and chairs. Another Christmas catch up she announces, and the food was a great hit. His Lordship was outnumbered with three females and only himself. Oh well we will see what tomorrow brings.
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